Species Annual Paintbrush Guide
red flowers with red-green buds and foliage

Annual Paintbrush

Castilleja minor var. exilis




Seed Propagation,Division,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Annual Paintbrush (Castilleja minor var. exilis) should be watered generously throughout its growing season. The best times to water are either in the morning or evening. Aim to keep the soil consistently moist, but don't allow standing water. Watering can be reduced slightly once the plants begin to bloom. Allow the soil to dry between watering during this time, but check to ensure it does not become parched. This will help to prolong the blooming period. Generally speaking, this species does not require heavy fertilizing and will do well with occasional fertilizer applications. In very hot, dry weather, it may require more frequent applications.


Annual paintbrush (Castilleja minor var. exilis) is an adaptable plant species that prefers partial to full sunlight throughout most of the day. It grows best in temperatures between 58-72 degrees Fahrenheit. During the summer months, the plant should receive 6 to 8 hours of direct, filtered sunlight each day. During the shoulder and winter months, it should receive at least 4 hours of sunlight. The plant should be kept away from northern and eastern facing windows, as direct sunlight from those directions may be too intense for growth.


Pruning for annual paintbrush (Castilleja minor var. exilis) should be done in the late fall or winter season, when the plant is dormant. Pruning should involve removing any dead, diseased, or damaged branches that can weaken the plant. It is also important to prune to maintain the desired plant height and shape. To achieve the desired shape, start by removing the top 2/3 of the tallest stems and any other excessively tall or lanky shoots that grow outside of the main canopy of the plant. Pruning should be done sparingly, as this variety of annual paintbrush is sensitive to over pruning.