Rosy Sedge
Carex rosea
Also Known As - Curlystyled Wood Sedge,Stellate SedgeWatering:
Hardiness Zone:
Green/Brown Flowers
full sun,part sun/part shade
Humus Enriched
Growth Rate:
Salt Tolerant:
Rosy Sedge plants require a good amount of regular water to remain healthy. They should be watered at least once every 7–10 days throughout the growing season (spring to fall). During periods of heat or dry weather, however, you should water more frequently (2 or 3 times per week). Make sure to water until the soil is moist, but avoid overwatering, as this can cause root rot.
Rosy Sedge grows best in full sun for 6 to 8 hours each day; however, it can tolerate some light shade or partial shade. It does not do well in areas with full shade, so it is important to choose an area that gets direct sunshine for at least part of the day. It is also fairly tolerant of both moist and dry conditions.
Rosy Sedge should be pruned once or twice a year, in the late summer and fall, when the foliage starts to turn brown. Pruning should be done lightly; it's best to remove a small portion of the foliage at a time. Care should be taken not to prune too close to the ground, as this can damage the crown and can lead to excessive stem growth, as well as reduce flower production. Make sure to prune the plant back only a few inches every time to maintain an attractive shape.