Species everbearing strawberry Guide
round to cone-shaped, shiny, dark red fruits with green stems and shiny, green, lobed, large leaves

everbearing strawberry

Fragaria ananassa 'Ruby Ann'





Hardiness Zone:

4 - 8


Red Flowers


full sun,part sun/part shade


red,ruby Fruits Ready In Summer





Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:





For optimal health and optimal yield, everbearing strawberry (Fragaria ananassa 'Ruby Ann') should be watered about 1-2 inches of water per week, in the early morning. Watering should be done as deeply as possible, allowing the water to penetrate the entire root ball. The soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings, but never allow the soil to become too dry. If the soil is too dry, the plant could suffer from root rot. If the temperature is very hot, or it has been dry for a while, you may need to water more often.


Everbearing strawberry plants (Fragaria ananassa 'Ruby Ann') require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day in order to thrive. The best time of the day for the plants to receive direct sunlight is between 10 am and 4 pm. Since they are tolerant of partial shade, the everbearing strawberry plants can tolerate lower amounts of sunlight and still produce healthy fruit. However, they really need to receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight in order to thrive and successfully produce a good crop of strawberries.


Everbearing strawberry (Fragaria ananassa 'Ruby Ann') should be pruned once in the spring season and again in the fall season. Pruning in the spring should be done just as plants begin to put forth new growth. This helps to keep a compact, uniform size and shape while removing old, dead canes. Pruning in the fall should be done after harvest to remove any canes that have become diseased. Pruning should also include removing any weak or unproductive runners to help ensure the health of the plant.

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Meghann Abbott

I got mine as a tissue culture baby in May 2022. For the most part it's been easy and fast growing. Definitely needs humidity in winter. The new leaves coming out are so delicate that I accidentally broke one off while handling the plant.

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