Species dogwood Guide
red-yellow fruits, green leaves with green veins and light-green midribs on light-green stems


Cornus elliptica






Seed Propagation,Cutting,Grafting Propagation,Layering Propagation,Division

Hardiness Zone:

7 - 9


White Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Dogwood (Cornus elliptica) should be watered well once a week (or more often if conditions are especially dry). When watering, give the tree a thorough soaking so that the water reaches down to the roots, and avoid frequent, shallow watering. This tree prefers moist soil, so ensure that the soil is kept consistently moist, not wet. During the summer months, you may need to water the tree more often, up to 3 times a week. In the winter months, the soil may need to be watered less frequently.


Dogwood (Cornus elliptica) prefers to thrive in locations that receive partial shade to partial sun. It requires at least 4 hours of direct sunlight each day. It thrives best when exposed to morning or late afternoon sun, as the intense heat of the summer midday sun may be too much for it and will cause its leaves to burn. Dogwood is quite adaptive to different types of conditions and will tolerate full sun if the soil has ample moisture. It also does well in full shade but will tend to develop a more open, airy habit and the flower production will be reduced. It is best to provide Dogwood trees with sufficient light for about 4 to 8 hours a day. Deep shade is not beneficial, as it limits flowering and growth. Exposing the tree too long to direct sunlight may cause it to become stressed. The ideal location should provide indirect or filtered light throughout the day without over-exposing the Dogwood to direct sunlight.


Dogwood (Cornus elliptica) should be pruned in early spring, prior to flowering. Prune back any branches that are growing outside of the desired shape of the shrub, and remove any dead or diseased branches. Pruning should be light and selective; try to retain the natural shape of the shrub and avoid heavy pruning. Dogwood shrubs should be pruned by about a third of their overall height. Prune branches down to just above a large bud, and try to angle each cut slightly outward to allow for additional light and air flow. After pruning, apply a thin layer of a balanced fertilizer to help promote healthy growth.