Species snow crocus Guide

snow crocus

Crocus chrysanthus 'Advance'






Division,Seed Propagation,Cormlet Propagation,Offsets

Hardiness Zone:

3 - 8


Lemon yellow with purple shading Flowers


Full sun,part shade

Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Snow crocus requires minimal watering and should only be watered when the soil begins to feel dry to the touch. Water sparingly and avoid getting any water on the foliage. Use tepid water and water thoroughly until some water escapes from the bottom of the pot. Water every 7-10 days, depending on your climate and light levels in the planting area. During the spring, when the crocuses are actively growing, increase watering to twice a week, and avoid getting any water on the flowers. In the warmer months, water only when the soil has dried out completely and avoid overwatering.


Snow crocus (Crocus chrysanthus 'Advance') is a winter-flowering perennial species that thrives in full sun, meaning that it should receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day for optimal growth and flowering. This sunlight should be spread out throughout the course of the day, as the plant needs consistent exposure to direct light rather than 1 burst of sun for an entire day. Ideally, morning sunlight would be most beneficial for the plant, allowing it to take advantage of the more intense and lower-angle rays. If possible, avoid planting snow crocuses near shade-casting trees or buildings.


Snow crocus (Crocus chrysanthus 'Advance') should be pruned annually during late winter or early spring. Care should be taken not to disturb the bulbs and leaves while pruning, and it is best to limit pruning to removing any dead foliage or flower stalks. Pruning should also be done to keep the foliage and flowers from overcrowding. After the flowers have faded, the foliage should be cut back to the ground to allow for new growth. In addition, any stems that have started to yellow or brown should be removed to improve the appearance of the plants and allow for new flowers to open. Pruning should be done cautiously and lightly to avoid damaging the foliage and flowers.