Species Spring crocus Guide
a purple-white flower with orange filaments and orange anthers and green stems

Spring crocus

Crocus vernus 'Remembrance'






Division,Seed Propagation,Offsets

Hardiness Zone:

3 - 8


Violet purple Flowers


Full sun,part shade

Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Water deeply at the start of spring, just as new growth begins. Water the plant weekly or twice a week when temperatures start to rise. Reduce the amount of watering during the summer months as this plant prefers dry soil, and wait to water until the soil is slightly dry. Use a watering can or garden hose to thoroughly moisten the soil around the plant, taking care not to overwater. As the leaves begin to die back in the fall, reduce the amount of watering. In winter, the plant will not need any water.


Spring crocus (Crocus vernus 'Remembrance') needs full to partial sunlight. Plant them in a sunny location that has at least 4 hours of direct sunlight daily or in a light shade location with morning sun and afternoon shade. They need several hours of bright light per day in order to grow well and produce flowers. They will tolerate morning sun and bright shade in the afternoon, but they will bloom better when they receive full sun for 6 to 8 hours a day.


Spring crocus (Crocus vernus 'Remembrance') should be pruned once the foliage starts to die back in late spring or early summer. Deadheading spent flowers should be done to enhance the blooming next spring and to prevent self-sowing of seedlings. When the foliage begins to die back, cut back the foliage to the ground. Do not cut into the corms. Rejuvenation pruning may be done in late winter or early spring to remove the old foliage and encourage new growth.