Species pink Guide


Dianthus 'Pomegranate Kiss'


Herbaceous Perennial




Seed Propagation,Cutting,Division,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

4 - 8


Deep red with pink splashing (double) Flowers


Full sun



Growth Rate:




Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Watering for the pink Dianthus 'Pomegranate Kiss' should be done on a regular basis to ensure a healthy and happy plant. It is best to water thoroughly, allowing the soil to be saturated and then draining off any excess water. Depending on the temperature, soil type, and other conditions, the pink Dianthus should be watered every 2-3 days during active growth periods, and every 5-7 days during dormant periods. The frequency of watering will also need to be adjusted if the weather is particularly hot or dry. To check for proper watering, use a moisture meter or stick your finger into the top of the soil to test the level of moisture. If the top couple of inches are still moist, then there is no need to water.


Pink (Dianthus 'Pomegranate Kiss') plants prefer a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight each day, ideally in a light spot that is out of direct sunlight throughout the day. They thrive in locations with plenty of light, but not all day sun - morning and late afternoon sun is best. However, avoid intense afternoon sunshine, as the plant may suffer in the heat. For optimal growth and flowering, pink Dianthus is best planted in an area with bright shade from noon to mid-evening.


Pruning of the Dianthus ‘Pomegranate Kiss’ is best done in spring and late summer just after flowering. In the early spring, prune the older, woody growth back to just above the new growth. Cut the shoots back to about 15 cm above the ground. Deadheading any faded blooms will also help to encourage new growth and fresh flowers. In late summer begin to selectively prune out the oldest stems of the pink Dianthus 'Pomegranate Kiss'. This will help to keep it vigorous. Finally, look out for any signs of disease or insect damage throughout summer and autumn and prune away any affected parts as soon as you spot them.