Species Chinese sedum Guide

Chinese sedum

Sedum tetractinum 'Coral Reef'


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Stem Propagation,Leaf Cutting,Seed Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

5 - 8


White to pale pink Flowers


Full sun



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Salt Tolerant:



Water Chinese sedum plants about once a week, providing them with about 1 inch of water each time. You may want to adjust the amount of water and frequency based on weather conditions or the moisture level of the soil. For example, it may require more water during hotter months and less during cooler months. It's important to avoid over-watering, as Chinese sedum is relatively drought-tolerant plants. If the leaves start to wrinkle, increase the amount of water slightly. If your plants get too much water and become waterlogged, it can cause root rot.


Chinese sedum, also known as Sedum tetractinum 'Coral Reef’, does best in full, direct sunlight for most of the day. This plant should receive a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight a day, preferably 8 to 10 hours of direct sun for optimal growth. Additionally, during the summer months it's important to provide the plant with protection a shade from the intense summer sun during the hottest part of the day. Chinese sedum can become prone to heat-induced burning under too much direct sun.


Chinese sedum should be pruned once or twice a year, starting in late winter or early spring, before the new growth emerges. Depending on how fast it grows, it is generally recommended to prune back 1-third to 2-thirds of the height of the plant. If the plant is looking particularly wild or overgrown, it may be preferable to remove more of the plant. Pruning the plant will help to maintain the desired shape, promote bushiness, and control the size of the plant. It is important to use sharp and clean tools when pruning to avoid causing any damage to the stems or leaves.