Species daisy fleabane Guide
light-purple flowers with yellow-lime center, green leaves and stems

daisy fleabane

Erigeron 'Dunkelste Aller' DARKEST OF ALL


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Seed Propagation,Cutting

Hardiness Zone:

2 - 8


Blue/yellow Flowers


Full sun



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



When it comes to watering daisy fleabane (Erigeron 'Dunkelste Aller' DARKEST OF ALL), it is important to find the balance between too much and too little water. It is best to soil test to determine exactly when to water, and stick to a consistent schedule. In general, the plant should be watered when the top 1 inch of the soil is dry. To determine this, use a moisture meter, or stick your finger in the soil as deep as the top knuckle; if it feels dry, the plant is ready to be watered. Make sure the soil has been mulched and is well-draining, in order to avoid overwatering. Water lightly and evenly at the base of the plant, enough to moisten the root ball, but not to the point of saturation. Please note, this plant loves the sun, so it is important that it is not overwatered as it can cause plant roots to become soggy and rot due to too much water. It is recommended to water this plant once per week. Make sure to check the soil moisture before watering, as different conditions may necessitate different watering schedules.


Daisy fleabane (Erigeron 'Dunkelste Aller' DARKEST OF ALL) does best when grown in full sunlight, at least 5 hours of direct sunlight per day. In the hotter months, it is important that the plant does not get too much intense afternoon sun or dry out in direct sun. If it does, partial shade in the afternoon and regular watering will help keep it happy. During the cooler months, more direct exposure to the sun is beneficial. In colder climates, however, you may want to provide some cover or grow it in a container and put it in a sheltered location for the winter.


Pruning of the daisy fleabane (Erigeron 'Dunkelste Aller' DARKEST OF ALL) should be done in early spring (April or May) or after flowering. Pruning should be kept light and should focus on removing dead or wilted stems and spent flower heads to encourage vigorous new growth. Only remove up to 1/3 of the plant during pruning to prevent shock.