Species daylily Guide


Hemerocallis 'Pink Lavender Appeal'


Herbaceous Perennial



Hardiness Zone:

3 - 9


Lavender with a green throat Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Care Level:



Daylilies (Hemerocallis 'Pink Lavender Appeal') require regular watering during the growing season. The exact amount of watering required for daylilies will depend on the climate and soil, but they should generally be watered once or twice a week during dry months, or once every 2 or 3 weeks in wetter months, to keep the soil lightly moist. It is important to avoid overwatering daylilies, too much water can cause the plants to rot. If the soil is sandy, it may be necessary to water more often. Before watering, test the soil with your finger, if it is damp up to a depth of 2-3 inches the plant likely does not require additional watering. In the autumn months, when the foliage begins to die back, watering should be reduced to once a week until the soil is completely dry. Daylilies are a moderately drought-tolerant flower, so once they have become established they can withstand other periods of dryness with little need for additional watering. If you are having difficulty determining when and how much water to provide your daylilies, observe the plants and soil to get a better idea of their watering needs


Daylilies of the ‘Pink Lavender Appeal’ variety prefer to receive full sun for at least 6 to 8 hours a day. This will help them flourish, achieve optimum growth and maximum bloom production. In areas where the sunlight intensity is higher, this should be slightly reduced so the leaves do not burn or become damaged. If the temperature is over 80°F, you should provide some shade. In moderate temperatures, the daylily can handle full sun all day without issue.


Daylily 'Pink Lavender Appeal' should be pruned before the start of spring. It should be pruned lightly to remove any dead or damaged foliage and the flower stems should be trimmed back to the crown. Pruning should be done on a sunny day when the soil is dry, with sharp pruners or shears. The amount of pruning needed depends on the size of the plant and how quickly it has grown, but it’s best to remove no more than 1 third of the plant at any 1 time. Pruning should be done in several light cuttings rather than 1 bigger cut, keeping the plant in a neat and tidy shape. Pruned foliage and stems can be composted or left to mulch around the plant.