Species coral bells Guide
Coral Bells (Heuchera 'Green Spice') featuring foliage in shades of green, bronze, white and burgundy with long lime green stalks

coral bells

Heuchera 'Green Spice'


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Cutting,Seed Propagation,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

4 - 9


White Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:



Coral bells should be watered regularly and thoroughly to ensure their health. Water the plant deeply and slowly, soaking the soil until water runs through the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot. Allow the soil to dry slightly before watering again. During the growing season (May-October), aim to water approximately once per week. During the winter months, waterings can be reduced to about once every 2-3 weeks. Always check the soil before watering—ideally the top inch of the soil should be dry before you water. Too much or too little water can both cause stress to your coral bells. Avoid getting water on the foliage, as this can cause leaf spotting.


Coral bells (Heuchera 'Green Spice') prefer a location with bright, filtered light; for best growth, they should get about 4 hours of direct sunlight each day. If grown in full sun areas, coral bells may need some protection from the heat to avoid sun scalding. In the winter, they should still receive some indirect sunlight to keep from becoming leggy. When grown in partial shade, they may require slightly more water than those that get full sun. In hotter climates, coral bells will benefit from some shade during the hottest part of the day.


Coral bells (Heuchera 'Green Spice') should be pruned in late winter or early spring before new growth appears. Dead or outdated foliage should be removed to the base of the plant. Pruning off the flower stalks is also beneficial as it keeps the plant focused on foliage production. Coral Bells do not generally require much pruning; however, maintenance-style pruning once a year can help keep the plant healthy and looking its best.