Species hosta Guide


Hosta longissima


Herbaceous Perennial



Hardiness Zone:

3 - 8


Pale purple Flowers


Part shade,full shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Hosta longissima prefer consistently moist soil, so the best way to water is to deeply water them with about 1 inch of water every 5-7 days (depending on weather conditions) - rain or lawn watering is better than frequent overhead watering. Ensure that the soil is evenly moistened, but avoid over-watering and water logging as this could cause rot. During hot weather, you may need to water more often (but with less water) - every 3-4 days - to ensure that the soil does not dry out.


Hosta longissima is an herbaceous perennial plant and requires an average of 4-6 hours of sunlight daily. Being a shade-loving plant, it does best with partial shade and protection from direct sunlight. Direct sun will cause the hosta's leaves to yellow and fade. To thrive, Hosta longissima needs bright, indirect light in the morning and shady conditions in the afternoon. When grown in full sun, supplemental watering is essential. To ensure that your Hosta longissima has the best of both sun and shade, consider providing it with some light shade, such as dappled morning sun, or indirect light throughout the day.


For hosta, pruning should be done in early spring when the new growth appears. It is best to remove large or part of the dead foliage or any old leaves that have arisen due to winter damage. This will help to allow healthy new growth and also to provide new air and light circulation around the plant. It is also important to remove any faded flower spikes that may be present. Pruning should be done with precision and care to avoid damage to the perennial leaves. When pruning, it is recommended to use sharp pruning shears or scissors. Once the pruning process is finished, it is important to inspect the entire plant to ensure that no undesirable pests or diseases are present.

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