Species edelweiss Guide
star-shaped, silver-gray, small, velvety flower with gray-green, small, hairy leaves, and gray-green, hairy stem


Leontopodium alpinum


Herbaceous Perennial




Seed Propagation,Division,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

4 - 7


Yellow with woolly white bracts Flowers


Full sun



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Edelweiss needs moderate amounts of water and should be watered only when needed. The soil should be misted often, yet not so much that it becomes soggy. If the soil feels dry to the touch, it is time to water. During the growing season water the plant more regularly, about once a week. During the winter months, water the plant only every 2 to 3 weeks. Too much water will cause the plant to suffer from root rot, and too little will cause it to dry out.


The edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) prefers bright light but can tolerate some shade. In its native alpine environment, it receives direct sunlight for about 6 hours a day, from mid-morning to early afternoon. It does best if kept slightly shaded during the hot summer months when the sun is at its strongest. During winter months, it needs full sun for at least 6 hours per day to flower properly. The edelweiss can grow in nearly any soil type, but prefers those with good drainage and neutral pH. It should be watered deeply enough to keep the soil moist, but not soggy.


Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) rarely requires pruning. However, if you wish to encourage its growth and flowering, it is best to prune it in early spring once the flower buds have been formed but before they open. The best time to prune edelweiss is when the plant is in a dormant state, just before the new growth starts in the spring. When pruning, only trim back the dead or damaged parts. If you cut away healthy growth, you will reduce the amount of flowers that the plant will produce. Pruning should be done lightly and with sharp shears or scissors to create a neat and tidy appearance. Avoid pruning too much as this could harm the health of the plant.