Species leptodermis Guide
cluster of small, trumpet-shaped, purple flowers with violet stem, and green, elliptic leaves


Leptodermis oblonga






Seed Propagation,Cutting,Division,Layering Propagation,Grafting Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

5 - 8


Violet-purple Flowers


Full sun,part shade

Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Leptodermis (Leptodermis oblonga) should be watered twice a week, with enough moisture to ensure that the plant is well-hydrated throughout its growing season. If you live in a cooler climate, the plant may need less water. If the temperature is warm, you should water it more often. Aim to provide 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water every week during the growing season, either from rainfall or from watering with a garden hose, depending on the weather and the amount of rainfall the plant is receiving. Be sure to avoid over-watering, as this can cause the plant’s leaves to turn yellow and lead to root rot. During the winter months, the plant doesn’t require as much water, so you can water it slightly less.


Leptodermis oblonga (commonly known as shrub lily) prefers full sun for maximum growth and blooming. This plant species should receive at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day, preferably in the morning or late afternoon. It is best to avoid direct sunlight during the hottest parts of the day, as this plant species may become stressed and/or suffer from sunburn or leaf damage. Additionally, Leptodermis oblonga should only receive indirect sunlight or partial shade when temperatures soar above 85°F (29°C). If possible, it is recommended to position it in a bright, sheltered location where trees or buildings act as a natural sun filter.


Leptodermis oblonga should be pruned in early spring or late fall for best results. It is important to note that this species should be lightly pruned, as overpruning can inhibit flowering. It is recommended to prune off only 5-15 percent of the total growth of the plant to maintain its shape and promote flowering. If needed, 1-3 inch long stems can be pruned off at a time to shape the plant. When possible, pruning should be done shortly after a flush of growth has occurred. Doing so will help keep the plant looking healthy and full.