Species Asiatic lily Guide

Asiatic lily

Lilium 'Gypsy'





Hardiness Zone:

4 - 8


Dusty pink Flowers In Summer


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Asiatic lilies (Lilium 'Gypsy') need to be watered deeply and regularly during the growing season. For the best flower production, they should be watered every 5-7 days during the spring and summer months, and every 10-14 days during the fall months. The soil should remain moderately moist, but not soggy. Before watering, inspect the soil and if it appears dry beneath the surface, it is time to water. Avoid any standing water. During the winter months the watering should be reduced as the plant goes dormant.


Asiatic lily (Lilium 'Gypsy') prefers full sunlight and requires at least 6-8 hours a day. Place in a sunny window or outdoors in a sunny area such as a south- or west-facing wall, a sunny deck or patio. It’s best to avoid direct sunlight in the hottest part of the day during the summer months. If planted outdoors in cooler climates or during cooler times of the year, the Asiatic lily can tolerate full sunlight all day.


Asiatic lilies (Lilium 'Gypsy') should be pruned gently from late spring through summer. Deadheaded and cut back of spent stems should be done to encourage the plant to put more energy into flowering. This is done to promote a longer blooming season. Remove about 1/3 of the stems in late spring and/or early summer, cutting the stems at their base just above the soil's surface. This will encourage re-growth and additional flowering. Repeat this process again in late summer, removing another 1/3 of the stems. Remove any dead or damaged stems throughout the growing season as they occur.

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