Species oriental lily Guide
pink-white flower with dark pink spots and midrib, yellow filaments with orange-brown anthers, pale-green buds, and green leaves

oriental lily

Lilium 'Kiss Proof'






Bulb Propagation,Seed Propagation,Offsets,Grafting Propagation,Tissue Culture

Hardiness Zone:

4 - 8


Rasberry red with white margins Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Oriental lily (Lilium 'Kiss Proof') should be watered thoroughly and regularly to ensure that the soil it is planted in is kept slightly moist at all times. During the growing season, water the lily 1-2 times per week, making sure to saturate the soil to a depth of at least 6 to 8 inches. Water deeply at the plant’s base to encourage deep roots. In hot, dry climates, increase the number of waterings to 3-4 times per week. When dormant during the winter months, reduce the frequency of waterings to once every 2 weeks.


Oriental lily (Lilium 'Kiss Proof') needs full sunlight to grow and reach its full blooming potential. Ideally, this species needs 5–6 hours of direct sunlight each day, ideally when the sun is highest in the sky between 10am-4pm, to keep it healthy and promote flowering. In addition, they will benefit from reflected light, so they can also be placed near light-coloured walls or buildings.


Oriental lily, Lilium 'Kiss Proof', should be pruned to maintain a healthy shape and to encourage reblooming. Pruning should be done in late winter or early spring before the new growth begins. Start by removing any damaged or diseased stems. Next, cut back old stems to about 4 to 6 inches. Cut back the old stems to the base of the plant and discard them. This encourages side shoots to form that produce season-long blooms. Finally, trim back any scraggly, over-long stems to help maintain a full crown. Pruning Oriental lilies in late winter or early spring will keep them looking their best.