Species Asiatic lily Guide
pink flowers with reddish-brown anthers, pinkish-green buds, green stems, and green, spear-like leaves

Asiatic lily

Lilium 'Magento'






Division,Seed Propagation,Bulbils,Grafting Propagation,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

4 - 8


Soft pink Flowers In Summer


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



When caring for Asiatic lilies, water once a week, probably in the morning, depending on the weather. During the warm months, they may require more frequent watering as the soil dries out quickly. To check if the plant needs watering, stick your finger in the soil up to the first knuckle; if the soil feels dry, it is time to water. When watering, make sure the soil is evenly moist, but not overly saturated. Giving your Asiatic lilies enough water is essential for their overall health and to ensure optimal blooms and plant vigor.


Asiatic lilies, such as Lilium 'Magento', require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day in order to flower properly. Although they can tolerate partial shade, with less than 6 hours of sun, the blooms will be shorter and the stems weaker. Too much shade can lead to death in the shallow-rooted lilies, so make sure your lily has access to plenty of bright sunlight. During the hottest parts of the day in summer, lily foliage may need to be shaded by other plants, or by a lattice or other covering. It is best to increase the amount of sunlight in gradual increments to allow the plant to acclimate as needed.


Asiatic lilies should be pruned when the flower stems have finished blooming. This is typically 7-10 weeks after flowering has begun. Pruning should involve cutting the flower stem down to the basal foliage. It is important to prune immediately after flowering so that the plant can redirect its energy towards the second flowering stage. Additionally, Asiatic lilies benefit from deadheading spent blossoms in order to promote continued blooming throughout the season. Finally, if the foliage of the Asiatic lily begins to yellow or die off, it should also be cut down to the basal foliage.