Species miscanthus Guide
shiny, whitish-brown, arching leaves


Miscanthus oligostachyus






Cutting,Division,Seed Propagation,Tissue Culture

Hardiness Zone:

5 - 9


Pinkish silver Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Miscanthus oligostachyus requires regular watering but it should not be overwatered. During the summer months, it should be watered once a week with around 1-1.5 inches of water. During the fall and winter months, it can be watered less frequently, such as every 2 to 3 weeks with 0.5-1 inch of water. Be sure to monitor the soil moisture throughout the year to ensure that it is not under or overwatered.


Miscanthus (Miscanthus oligostachyus) thrive in areas receiving full sunlight or partial shade. While the plant prefers full sun, it can tolerate extended periods of shade, but may not flower as extensively. Generally speaking, Miscanthus should receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily for optimal growth. If planted in a partially shaded area, supplemental lighting may also help to improve the blooming period of Miscanthus. The stretch from spring to fall generally offers the most hours of direct sunlight for Miscanthus to thrive; however, it does not require the same amount of sunlight throughout the year. During the summer months, Miscanthus should ideally receive 8 to 12 hours of sunlight per day. In winter months, the amount of direct sunlight it receives should be reduced to 6 hours per day. This light exposure during the cooler months will help it become dormant and ready to bloom again in the spring. Therefore, as long as it is exposed to the right amounts of light annually, Miscanthus will have peak performance every year.


Miscanthus should be pruned annually in the early spring, as soon as the new leaves start to appear. Pruning should be done in a way that does not reduce the overall height of the plant, but rather shapes the plant to maximize growth and flowering. Cut older, dormant stems close to the ground, leaving only the most vigorous stems. Regular pruning of miscanthus helps to promote more vigorous plants with stronger stems and better flowers. Generally, 1/3rd of the oldest stems should be removed each year to keep the plant healthy and vigorous. If the plant has become overgrown, it may need a more heavy pruning. In this case, only the most vigorous and healthy stems should remain and all the other stems should be cut close to the ground.