Species tropical water lily Guide
Lavender flower with purple center, orange anthers, green leaves with burgundy blades

tropical water lily

Nymphaea 'Director George T. Moore'


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Planting Runners,Seed Propagation,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

10 - 11


Violet purple Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Care Level:



Water tropical water lilies (Nymphaea 'Director George T. Moore') often enough to keep the soil just barely moist but not soggy. This species needs consistently moist soil, but too much water can lead to roots that suffer from rot. Water tropical water lilies from spring until fall, and check the soil every few days to ensure that it's moist but not saturated. Water the lilies as needed, depending on temperatures and the season. If the weather is unusually warm, water more frequently, and during cooler times, water less often.


Tropical water lilies (Nymphaea 'Director George T. Moore') thrive in bright sunlight and require between 4-6 hours of sun exposure each day in order to grow and flower. The plant should be placed in an area that receives full sun from early morning until late afternoon. Additionally, it is important to keep the plant in a spot that will receive some indirect light to help protect it from the hot mid-day sun.


Tropical water lilies (Nymphaea 'Director George T. Moore') should be pruned regularly throughout the growing season to encourage new leaves and vibrant blooms. Pruning should begin once new leaves and flower buds form and continue until just before the first frost. The best way to prune tropical water lilies is to remove any faded or browned leaves as well as dead flower heads just after they fade. Removing these damaged parts helps to prevent disease and encourage a long-lasting bloom. Pruning should also be done to shape the plant, removing long stems and extra leaves to keep the plant compact and shapely. Doing this will also help to keep the natural beauty of the plant intact. Finally, it is important to periodically remove excess growth from the base of the plant to allow light and air to reach the roots and promote healthier growth.