Species floribunda rose Guide
off-white flower with green leaves and brown stems

floribunda rose

Rosa 'Korbin' ICEBERG






Grafting Propagation,Layering Propagation,Cutting,Division,Budding

Hardiness Zone:

5 - 9


White Flowers


Full sun



Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



When it comes to watering your Floribunda Rose (Rosa 'Korbin' ICEBERG), it is best to give it about an inch of water per week. This amount of water should be divided into 2 or 3 separate applications throughout the week, making sure that the overall amount of water stays consistent. Soaking the soil to the depth of the root zone is best. When checking for water, stick your finger at least 2 inches into the soil – if it is dry, it is time to water. Additionally, make sure the drainage is proper so that the plant is not sitting in water. In periods of extreme heat or drought, it may be beneficial to give the plant more water or even mist the leaves with water.


Rosa 'Korbin' ICEBERG floribunda rose is a fast-growing variety that prefers full sun or partial shade for optimal health and growth. Sunlight is essential for the plant to thrive and remain healthy as it encourages the growth of thick foliage and bright, colorful blooms. Sunlight should be provided to the plant for approximately 5 to 6 hours per day, and it should be provided equally throughout the day. If the sunlight is not consistent, the plant may become lanky or produce fewer blooms. However, it can tolerate some periods of partial shade, especially during hot summer days.


Floribunda roses should be pruned in early spring, just as the plants start to break dormancy. After last frost, begin trimming away any dead or diseased canes. Once the dead canes have been removed, cut back the remaining canes by about 1-third. Cut the new growth that grows throughout the summer and prune again in fall, removing any canes that have not grown in length. In order to promote healthy growth and flowering, avoid pruning too much. Make sure to leave at least 4 to 5 healthy canes on each plant and leave a few rose hips on the plant as well. Remove any spent flowers during the blooming season and lightly trim back all remaining canes.