Species Swiss cheese plant Guide
deeply lobed, heart-shaped, green, glossy, large leaves

Swiss cheese plant

Monstera deliciosa






Seed Propagation,Greenwood Cuttings,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

10 - 12


Whitish-green spadix and white spathe Flowers In Spring


Full sun only if soil kept moist, Part sun/part shade




green,yellow,orange,white Fruits In Autumn Ready In Summer





Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:








Care Level:



Swiss cheese plants should be watered thoroughly, approximately every 7-10 days. During the growing season from spring through fall, water the soil so that it is damp but not soggy. Let the soil surface dry out between waterings. During the winter months, water less frequently so that the soil is slightly damp. If the leaves start to droop, it is an indication that your plant needs water.


The Swiss cheese plant (Monstera deliciosa) needs bright but indirect sunlight. It should receive 4 to 6 hours of sunlight each day, ideally between 10am and 4pm. Place the plant near a window that receives direct sunlight, but avoid placing it in a direct line of the sun’s rays otherwise it will be scorched. Rotate the plant frequently to ensure all sides of the leaves receive equal sunlight.


Swiss cheese plants should be pruned when they become too large and/or start to outgrow their space. A reasonable amount of pruning can be beneficial; however, too much can be damaging and inhibit the plant’s growth. To ensure that the plant stays relatively small and manageable, it is suggested to prune when the plant has reached the desired size, usually every 3-4 months. To prune, start by removing any dead leaves and branches then snip off any foliage that’s growing beyond the desired size. Swiss cheese plants should never be cut back too much, as this can stunt its growth and development.


Is the Swiss cheese plant evergreen?

No, the Swiss cheese plant (also known by its scientific name Monstera deliciosa) is not an evergreen. It is an epiphytic tropical plant native to Central America, Mexico and northern South America. Its long trailing stems and deeply lobed leaves make it a popular houseplant and it is usually grown indoors or in greenhouses. The Swiss cheese plant is also drought tolerant and can tolerate low light levels, making it an ideal choice for a low-maintenance houseplant.

Can Swiss cheese plants be grown in a terrarium?

Yes, Swiss cheese plants can be grown in a terrarium. They prefer high humidity and will thrive indoors provided they get enough indirect light. A terrarium is an ideal environment to provide the moist, humid conditions they love. Place the container in bright, indirect light and water when the top inch or two of the soil is dry. If the terrarium gets too wet, the soil will become soggy and the roots of the plant will rot. Provide ventilation for the terrarium by leaving the lid open for a couple of hours on hot days.

Could the Swiss cheese plant be used as a natural air purifier?

Yes, the Swiss cheese plant (Latin name Monstera deliciosa) can be used as a natural air purifier. This plant is known for removing formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air. Furthermore, having a few of these plants in the home can help improve air quality and add a much-needed pop of color to your living space.

Should Swiss cheese plants be repotted every year?

Yes, Swiss cheese plants should be repotted every year. Repotting the plant will help to keep the soil healthy and provides more space for the plant’s roots to grow. The larger pots that a Swiss cheese plant requires can provide an ideal environment for its growth. Spacing out the repotting will help ensure the roots do not become too compacted, which can lead to poor growth. Additionally, new soil can provide beneficial nutrients and minerals that the plant may need to promote healthier growth.

Is the Swiss cheese plant a fast-growing plant?

No, the Swiss cheese plant is not a fast-growing plant. It is a slow-growing evergreen plant that can reach heights up to 10-15 feet, but typically only grows an average of a foot each year. The plant features large, glossy green leaves that can have holes in them, creating a unique, “Swiss cheese”-like appearance. The plant does best when provided plenty of moisture and optimal temperatures of 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Are the leaves of Swiss cheese plants sensitive to touch?

Yes, the leaves of Swiss cheese plants are sensitive to touch. They are known as 'thigmonastic' plants and their leaves will curl if you touch them lightly. The plant's sensitive response is an adaptation that protects the plant from potential predators and damage. This adaptation helps prevent the loss of water through its leaves, as touching a leaf deforms the surface, restricting the amount of water vapor released into the air.

Could Swiss cheese plants be used in landscaping?

Yes, Swiss cheese plants can be used in landscaping. With lush, waxy green foliage and intriguing holes in their leaves that sometimes grow large enough to see through, Swiss cheese plants create an attractive display in any landscape design. Similarly, the plant’s unusual texture gives any flower arrangement a unique look. Being a low-maintenance plant, it is suitable for any landscaping needs and can be easily shaped into a hedge, a mass of greens, or used to create a topiary against a wall. Additionally, their unique leaves bring a tropical feel to any outdoor space!

Could Swiss cheese plants be used in landscaping?

Yes, Swiss cheese plants can be used in landscaping. The unique look of their waxy, oversized leaves and the fact that they are relatively easy to grow make them popular in landscaping. Swiss cheese plants are excellent for providing a tropical, lush look in any garden, and can be used outdoors in zones nine through eleven for year-round growing. The plant is especially attractive when trickled with a water mister in hot, dry climates. These plants are also suitable for growing in pots indoors if they are provided with bright, indirect light.