Species meadow rue Guide
white-plum flowers, brown stems and lime-green leaves

meadow rue

Thalictrum kiusianum


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Cutting,Seed Propagation,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

5 - 8


Lavender to pinkish-purple Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:





Meadow Rue (Thalictrum kiusianum) should be watered weekly, approximately 1" per week. Water in the morning to give plants an opportunity to completely dry out before evening and reduce disease risk. During hot, dry weather, water frequently, approximately 1" every 3 days. Avoid watering in the late afternoon or evening. Over-watering will cause the leaves to yellow or wilt, and the plant may die from root-rot. Be sure to check the soil moisture before watering as excessive water might cause excessive growth and can lead to fungal diseases.


Meadow rue (Thalictrum kiusianum) typically prefers full sun when growing in the garden. An ideal location would be somewhere where the plant receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. In regions with very hot summers, some afternoon shade may be beneficial, as the plant may suffer from too much heat and lose foliage. When established, the plant is somewhat more tolerant of lower light conditions and can even survive in partial shade. Just be aware that the growth and flowering potential will generally be affected if the plant does not receive adequate sunlight.


Meadow Rue (Thalictrum kiusianum) should be pruned twice a year. Pruning in the late winter or early spring will encourage healthier growth and increased flowering. Care should be taken when pruning in late winter as flower buds and new growth may have already formed. Prune the meadow rue lightly, removing old, woody stems and dead leaves. In late summer, after its flowers have wilted, another light pruning can be done to shape the plant. Remove any thin or weak stems, and cut back any woody stems that are blocking other stems from growing. Prune only the dead and unhealthy branches. Don't cut back the branches too far as this may overstress the plant.