Veronica liwanensis
Herbaceous Perennial
Hardiness Zone:
4 - 9
Blue Flowers
Full sun
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Speedwell (Veronica liwanensis) should be watered once to twice a week depending on the soil. To check for signs of watering, feel the soil to check for a crumbly, slightly moist texture. If the soil feels dry and powdery, water the plant fully until water begins to come out of the drainage holes. Afterward, reduce the amount of water but make sure the soil has 1 last deep soaking. During the summer, Speedwell may require more frequent watering, however during the winter, reduce the amount of water to once a week to avoid root rot.
Speedwell (Veronica liwanensis) is a low-maintenance flowering plant that thrives in full sun. It is hardy in USDA zones 4 to 8. When growing speedwell, it is best to locate the plant in an area that receives full sunlight for at least 6 to 8 hours each day. It is also important to keep the soil evenly moist; slightly dry soils may cause the flowers to fade. Speedwell is a perfect choice for a sunny spot in the garden or along a walkway or fence border. This versatile plant can also be used as an edging along sidewalks or driveways, or can be planted in hanging baskets or containers. In terms of sunlight, speedwell prefers an area that has 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day. As the summer months arrive, the plant should be moved into a location that receives partial shade in order to prevent the leaves from getting scorched. It should also be noted that in cooler climates, speedwell may do best in areas that receive full sun all day. As a perennial, speedwell will continue to produce bright, colorful blooms throughout the season, however, to ensure a long flowering period, it is best to deadhead the flowers regularly and water and fertilize during periods of drought. Additionally, if the plants become too large, they can be pruned back heavily or divided.
Speedwell (Veronica liwanensis) should be pruned as needed, typically between spring and early summer. To ensure healthy growth and prevent overgrowth, pruning should only be done when necessary and with caution. Pruning can be done by selectively trimming back long and excess foliage, removing spent blooms, or taking off any dead or unhealthy stems. It is important, however, to avoid pruning more than 1-third of the plant at any time. If significant amounts of pruning are needed, it is better to spread it out over several sessions instead of doing the entire pruning all at once. Taking these steps will help ensure the health of the plant and promote strong, healthy growth.