Species Pygmy Pussytoes Guide

Pygmy Pussytoes

Antennaria monocephala de

Also Known As - One Headed Pussytoes




Division,Seed Propagation,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade

Growth Rate:


Care Level:



Pygmy Pussytoes should be watered regularly, ensuring the soil remains consistently moist (but not wet). During the warmer months, water Pygmy Pussytoes in the morning or early evening, about once or twice a week, as needed. In the cooler months, water less frequently, making sure to allow the soil to completely dry between waterings. Be sure not to over water, as this could lead to root rot and other diseases.


Pygmy Pussytoes thrive best in full or partial sun and prefer well-drained soils. They can tolerate shade, but will not flower as abundantly if given too much shade. Plant them in the sunniest area of the garden, preferably in an area that gets about 6 hours of direct sunlight a day. It is best to avoid direct hot afternoon sun in very warm climates as this can lead to scorching of the leaves and stunted growth. They should receive some shade in the afternoon if possible.


Pygmy Pussytoes (Antennaria monocephala de) should be pruned in the late spring, after the plant has finished flowering. Pruning should take place before the start of new growth, so anytime after the start of April should work. This plant only needs minimal pruning - all that is required is to remove any dead or damaged leaves and mitigate any wayward stems. When it comes to pruning, less is more - it is not necessary to heavily prune this species.