Species Saltbush Guide
purple-yellow flowers with green leaves and stems


Atriplex nudicaulis

Also Known As - Baltic Saltbush



Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade


green,yellow,brown Fruits Ready In Fall





Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Salt Tolerant:





Saltbush (Atriplex nudicaulis) is a drought-tolerant plant that thrives in arid and sandy soils. This plant does best in areas that receive plenty of sun and are well-drained. For optimal growth, water your Saltbush deeply once a week during the growing season, assuming that you have not had any significant rain. During particularly hot and dry weather, you may need to water your plant more often to keep the soil adequately moist. Make sure to avoid over-watering, as Saltbush is susceptible to root rot in overly wet conditions. During winter months, reduce watering to every 2 to 4 weeks, depending on temperature and other weather conditions.


Saltbush (Atriplex nudicaulis) requires 6-8 hours of direct full sunlight per day for optimal growth. It thrives best in locations that provide full sun exposure in the morning and a few hours of shade in the afternoon. Place your Saltbush in an area with direct sun for most of the day, especially during the active growth season of spring and summer. It is not tolerant of deep shade, and ideally should receive at least 8 hours of light each day throughout the year.


Saltbush (Atriplex nudicaulis) should be pruned twice a year - once in late summer and once in early spring. Prune Saltbush lightly in late summer to remove dead or damaged foliage and encourage denser growth. In early spring, prune it more severely to reduce plant size and encourage bushier, more compact growth. Make sure to avoid pruning back to woody stems or removing large sections of stems as this may damage the plant. When pruning, use sharp pruners or shears and make sure to sterilize the blades before and after use.

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