Species Fernald's Braya Guide

Fernald's Braya

Braya fernaldii

Also Known As - Fernald's Northern Rockcress




Seed Propagation,Division,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


White/Cream|Pink Flowers In Summer



Growth Rate:


Salt Tolerant:




Care Level:



Fernald's Braya requires regular watering, typically with approximately 2 inches of water per week. It is best to water the plant thoroughly and then let the soil dry out slightly between watering. During the warmest months of summer, the plant may need more water and should be monitored for dryness. During the winter months when growth slows, less water may be necessary. When watering, make sure to water the entire root zone, as this plant is tolerant of some drought.


Fernald's Braya is a sub-arctic species of wildflower that is native to the alpine and subalpine tundra in northernmost North America. For this plant to thrive, it requires a generous amount of sunlight on a regular basis. Typically, this wildflower needs around 5 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day, which should be spread out during the brightest hours of the day, usually 10am to 4pm. This species should not receive too much sun, as it can be easily burnt during the hottest parts of the day or left wilted from too much heat. Establishing shade-loving plants around and/or near Fernald's Braya is also important, providing it with some relief from the sun and protecting it from the hot summer heat.


Fernald's Braya should be pruned once a year, either in late spring or early summer, when the blooming cycle has concluded. Prune the plant to the desired size and shape. Carefully remove any dead, diseased, or damaged foliage. You can also prune back some of the taller stems to encourage more basal branching. In order to avoid over pruning, remove no more than 1/3 of the stems in a single session.