Species Sedge Guide
lime-brown spikelets with lime foliage


Carex bigelowii subsp. bigelowii x




Seed Propagation,Division,Rhizome Propagation,Cutting

Hardiness Zone:


Green/Brown Flowers


Sun, Partial Shade


brown Fruits Ready In Fall



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Sedge (Carex bigelowii subsp. bigelowii x) should be watered regularly but remember not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. Aim to water the Sedge every 2-3 days during the warmer months, and every 4-5 days during the colder months. Make sure the soil is completely saturated, but never let it become waterlogged. After watering, be sure to empty any water from the tray underneath, as this can lead to fungal or bacterial growth in the soil. Take extra care to monitor moisture levels in the soil during hot days. If the plant’s leaves become wilted, increase the frequency of watering.


Sedge (Carex bigelowii subsp. bigelowii x) grows best in full sun to partial shade. It requires 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day in order to thrive and produce the most vibrant green color. Morning sun and afternoon shade are ideal for this species. During the summer, it may require up to 10 hours of direct sunlight. During extremely hot days, it would be beneficial to provide additional shade to protect the plant from the direct harsh sunlight.


Pruning Carex bigelowii subsp. bigelowii x is best done once a year in late winter or early spring, just before new growth begins. This is when the plant is most dormant, so it will be less disruptive to its overall growth. Prune old, dead, and dying foliage and stems back to soil level. This will encourage more vigorous and healthy growth in the coming season. Remember to use sharp pruning tools and sterilize them between uses to prevent disease spread. Prune off any straggly or out-of-shape tips of the stems to promote bushier and more attractive growth. Finally, cut out any stems that are crowded to avoid crowding and encourage better air flow throughout the plant.