Cyclamen persicum
Hardiness Zone:
9 - 11
Pink, red, violet, lavender and white Flowers
part shade,part sun/part shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Care Level:
Cyclamen should be watered minimally, about once every week. It is best to check the soil before watering to make sure that it is dry; if the soil is still moist and cool to the touch, wait a few days before adding water. When watering your cyclamen, use room temperature water and water at the soil level. Do not water the crown or stem of the plant. Allow the soil to dry out between watering to avoid root rot.
Cyclamen persicum thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. An ideal location for these plants is in a spot that receives several hours of bright, indirect sunlight each day. If the sunlight is too strong or too direct, it can damage the plant's leaves and flowers. In general, cyclamen should have 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight each day in the late spring/early summer months, with protection during the mid- to late afternoon. Moving the plants to an area with bright, indirect sunlight in the summer can help the plants survive the hottest days.
Cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) should be pruned after flowering in late spring or early summer. If pruned too heavily, the plant may not bloom the following year. It is usually best to take only a few inches off the stem and flower buds as too much pruning could result in a loss of flower production. Additionally, any dead or damaged stems and leaves should be removed.
Hardiness Map
Do Cyclamens require a dormant period?
Yes, cyclamens require a dormant period in order to thrive. During this time of dormancy, the cyclamen's foliage dies back and it goes into a period of rest. It is important for cyclamens to have a dormant period so they can store up energy to use in the next growth season. Cyclamens typically become dormant in the winter and will wake up in the spring. During the dormant period they should be kept in a cool, dark place with their soil kept just barely moist.
Is Cyclamen a good indoor plant?
Yes, cyclamen is a great indoor plant! The colorful, vibrant blooms add a touch of beauty to any space. They do best when placed in bright, indirect light and need soil to be on the dryer side. Watering can be done sparingly, and it's best to make sure the soil is almost dry before more water is added. Cyclamen plants can also purify the air, making them an excellent addition to any home or office.
Are Cyclamens suitable for outdoor gardens?
The short answer is yes, cyclamens can indeed be suitable for outdoor gardens. They typically prefer a partly shady corner among other plants in order to protect their delicate petals from too much sun or wind. They thrive best in moist, well-drained soils, where the temperatures are moderate and soil pH is slightly acidic. Acyclic cyclamens require little maintenance and can reach heights of 8 inches or more. While not the most hardy of flowers, cyclamens can provide a great deal of color and life to any outdoor garden.
Should Cyclamens be planted in pots or in the ground?
Cyclamens can be planted in either pots or in the ground, depending on your preference and the space available. If you choose to pot your cyclamen, make sure to use a good-quality potting soil, water regularly, and be sure to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. If planting in the ground, make sure you select a spot with good drainage and water the soil deeply. Once planted, apply a layer of mulch to help retain moisture and further protect the plant from rapid temperature change.
Could Cyclamens be grown in hanging baskets?
Yes, cyclamens can be grown in hanging baskets. The small, tubular plants with their delicate blooms look beautiful in hanging baskets when they cascade over the sides. When growing cyclamens in hanging baskets, choose a basket with good drainage. Fill the basket with a well-draining soil mix and add an inconspicuous support at the center to anchor the plants. Place the basket in a bright location and water it regularly to keep the soil moist. Fertilize the cyclamens every month to promote blooming and help the plants thrive. With a little bit of care and attention, cyclamens will thrive in a hanging basket and look wonderful all year long.
Do Cyclamens produce fragrant flowers?
Yes, Cyclamens produce fragrant flowers. Their petals can be found in an array of colors, including shades of pink, purple, white, and even bi-colored. Meanwhile, the flowers have a sweet and mild fragrance that is often described as pleasant and light. Native to the Mediterranean region, many varieties of Cyclamens can be found all over the world. The delightful scent of their blooms makes them a popular choice for gardeners and flower lovers alike.
Is Cyclamen a perennial plant?
Yes, Cyclamen is a perennial plant. It grows from a tuber and has leathery green leaves with attractive flowers that come in shades of pink, white, purple, lavender, and magenta. The flowers typically bloom in winter and early spring with its foliage dropping back during summer months. It is a popular indoor plant requiring temperatures between 15-22°C and well-drained soil. With proper care, the Cyclamen plant can bring years of enjoyment.
Are Cyclamens frost-tolerant?
Cyclamens are not particularly frost-tolerant. If grown outdoors in climates where freezing temperatures occur in winter, they must be brought indoors and given special care to survive. In a normal home environment (draft free with temperatures ranging from45 to 65 F (7 to 18 C) they can survive but if temperatures are under around 40 F (5 C) for an extended period of time, the plant will die.