Species carnation
pink flowers with light-pink filaments, beige anthers, brown hairs, green stems and leaves


Dianthus superbus

The Carnation (Dianthus superbus) is an amazing species of plant for many reasons. Its beautiful, vibrant colors and its long-lasting blooms and sweet fragrance make it a great choice for any garden. The plant is also incredibly easy to take care of and grow. It's versatile and can thrive in a variety of climates, making it a great addition to any garden. It's also highly drought-resistant and tolerant of extreme temperatures, meaning it can survive for a long time even in tough environments. Its petals are edible, making it a fun ingredient to have in food, and its healing properties make it a beneficial addition to a medicinal garden. All in all, Carnation is an amazing plant full of wonderful benefits.


Herbaceous Perennial




Seed Propagation,Division,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

3 - 8


Pale lilac Flowers


Full sun



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:





Carnations require regular watering to thrive. The best times to water carnations are in the morning and evening. When watering, make sure to soak the soil until water starts to run out from the bottom of the pot. Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. In the summer, they may require more frequent watering, while less frequent waterings may be sufficient in the winter. Always check the soil before watering to make sure it is still somewhat dry. Too much water can cause the plant’s roots to rot.


Carnations (Dianthus superbus) prefer bright, sunny locations with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Morning sunlight is generally preferred as it helps the plant dry after dew or rain. These plants do best in a spot where they can receive full sun in the morning and have sheltered shade from the hot afternoon sun. Partial shade, however, is often suitable, and in the hottest climates, carnations may benefit from afternoon shade to protect them from scorching.


Carnations (Dianthus superbus) should be pruned in spring, just before new growth begins. The best time for pruning is when the flowers have just finished blooming. Pruning should be done sparingly and with care, since removing too much foliage could damage the plant. Start by trimming away any dead or weak stems so that you can more easily access healthy stems. Then trim off any excess foliage that is blocking the new growth. Finally, use sharp pruning shears to lightly trim back the stem tips. This should be done with precision so that the top of the stem is about a quarter of an inch above the previous leaf node. Pruning carnations should only be done to help the health and vigor of the plant; it is not necessary to prune it heavily.


Starts Flowering

Carnations typically start flowering in April and May.

Hardiness Map


Is carnation perennial plant?

Yes, carnations are a type of perennial plant. Most carnations grown for cut flowers are Dianthus caryophyllus, with other species and hybrids available as garden plants. They normally reach heights of about 25-60cm, although some varieties can be up to 90cm tall. Carnations tend to bloom from spring to autumn and require full sun, well-drained soil, and plenty of food and water throughout the summer.

Could Carnations survive in a cold climate?

Carnations are a hardy flower that do have the potential to survive in a cold climate. However, they prefer a mild, temperate climate with temperatures between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius, so in order to best care for them in a cold climate, you should provide a small, sheltered area that keeps the cold out and insulates the flowers adequately. It is also important to ensure the soil does not freeze and does not get too wet. If possible, try insulating the soil and keeping it in a spot that gets some sunlight throughout the day. With the proper care and a good environment, Carnations can remain healthy during cold winter months.

Should I deadhead my carnations?

Yes, you should deadhead your carnations. Deadheading carnations is important for the health of your plants. Deadheading removes spent flowers and stimulates new growth, which will help your carnations look their best. It also encourages your carnations to produce more flowers. In addition, deadheading helps to prevent self-seeding, which can lead to an overgrowth of carnations where you don't want them. To deadhead, pinch off any spent flowers right at the base. Be sure to wear gloves if you have sensitive skin.

How long do carnation bloom?

Carnations are generally quite resilient flowers and can bloom for up to two months or longer when cared for properly. When taken care of, carnations cut for bouquets and arrangements can last for up to two weeks. If placed in a vase, high-quality carnations can last for up to a month, depending on environmental factors like temperature, light and water.

Do carnations have a strong scent?

Carnations have a mild scent that is not as powerful as some other flowers, such as roses. The scent of a carnation will be strongest in warmer weather and will be more subtle and muted in colder temperatures. Some types of carnations, such as those with a high percentage of geraniol, will be more fragrant, but these are generally less common in gardens and bouquets.

Can carnation be grown from seeds?

Yes, carnations can be grown from seeds. The seeds should be planted in a warm area as soon as possible after they are harvested from the plant. The soil should be kept damp and warm throughout the germination process. Typically, a seedling will emerge from the seed after about two weeks and it will take up to a year for the plant to reach full maturity. Some gardeners recommend covering the seed with a thin layer of soil and then keeping it moist until the seedling appears. After that, plenty of sun, water, and fertilizer should be used to nurture the growth of the carnation.

Can carnations be grown indoors?

Yes, carnations can be grown indoors. They must be kept in a sunny location with plenty of light and a well-draining soil. They should also be protected from drafts and strong winds. Indoor grown carnations should be watered often and should be placed in a spot that does not get too dry or too humid. Carnations should also be fertilized every month to ensure optimal growth. Taking these steps will ensure that your carnations can thrive indoors!

Is Carnation a good plant for cutting flowers?

Yes, Carnations are an excellent option for cutting flowers. They have large, fragrant blooms that come in nearly every color, making them a great addition to any fresh bouquet. Furthermore, they are relatively cheap compared to other options and last a surprisingly long time even when cut. Carnations fill their vase with a unique appearance and make a home or occasion look instantly beautiful.