Dioon edule typically starts flowering in late spring or early summer, usually between May and July.
Dioon edule
Seed Propagation
Hardiness Zone:
9 - 11
Non-flowering Flowers
Full sun,part shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Cycad (Dioon edule) should be watered once a week, using about 15-20 liters of water. Water should reach the soil underneath the foliage and be evenly distributed during the watering. Ensure that the soil is porous so that water can easily drain away. During the summer, additional watering may be required if the soil feels dry, or when the plants are in active growth. It is better to water thoroughly, allowing the soil to dry down slightly between watering. During the winter, reduce watering to once every 2 weeks and in periods of cold winter weather, wait for soils to dry down before watering. Place a finger in the soil and feel water, if it is moist, avoid watering and wait until the soil dries a bit more.
Cycads (Dioon edule) benefit from full sun or bright, filtered shade for approximately 8 hours a day. The amount and intensity of sun they need depends on the variety and the climate they are growing in. Generally speaking, they thrive in south-facing or west-facing locations that receive several hours a day of strong, direct sunlight. They also benefit from midday shade when grown in more arid regions or during the summer months. In temperate climates, some varieties may do well in partial shade. It is important to be mindful of the location and hours of direct sun to prevent the leaves from scorching.
Cycads (Dioon edule) should typically be pruned twice a year in the spring and summer periods. Due to their slower growth rates, any pruning should usually take place after the plant has finished its main growth season. The type and amount of pruning can vary depending on the individual plant and its growing location. The main types of pruning for a cycad are crown reduction, canopy thinning, and removal of dead or diseased foliage. Crown reduction involves cutting back branches and foliage at the top of the plant in order to reduce its overall size. This should be done sparingly, and branches should never be cut back further than the tree’s main branch. Canopy thinning, or selective cutting, is used to improve the structure of the plant’s canopy and to allow more light and air to penetrate through. In order to achieve this, it is recommended to remove no more than 25 percent of the foliage at 1 time. The removal of dead or diseased foliage is essential for proper plant care, as diseased foliage can spread easily to other areas of the plant. Dead foliage should be removed at the base of the stem in order to avoid damage to healthy branches and stems. Overall, it is important to not over-prune a cycad as too much or too aggressive pruning can stunt plant growth. Pruning should always be done with caution and care to ensure the long-term health of the plant.
Dioon edule typically starts flowering in late spring or early summer, usually between May and July.