Species champion's wood fern
olive-green leaves with green midribs on light-green petioles and stems

champion's wood fern

Dryopteris championii

Champion's Wood Fern is an amazing fern thanks to its ability to thrive in a wide range of habitats. With large, bright green fronds that can measure up to 75 cm in length, this species can be seen growing in shady woodlands and forests across North America. Its delicate, textured foliage and evergreen qualities make it a prized addition to gardens, providing year-round interest. Resistant to most pests and diseases, this fern is perfect for any shade-loving garden. Moreover, its broad fronds provide essential shelter for birds and other wildlife. Champion's Wood Fern truly is a champion.





Hardiness Zone:

5 - 8


Non-flowering Flowers


Part shade,full shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Champion's wood ferns are easy to care for and prefer consistently moist soil. They should be watered regularly, usually about once every week or 2. To water, soak the soil all the way through until water runs out of the bottom of the pot. However, it is important not to overwater; if the soil is continuously soggy, this can lead to root rot. In times of dry heat, you may need to water a bit more frequently to make sure that the soil doesn’t dry out completely. Allow the top several inches of soil to dry out before watering again.


Champion's wood fern thrives in areas with partial to full shade and will not tolerate full sun. It will do best with about 4-6 hours of sunlight daily. It should be placed in an area with a northern or eastern exposure to ensure it gets the correct amount of sunlight. In the summer, the fern will need more shade to protect it from the intense afternoon sun. If temperatures are especially high, additional protection from excessive heat and sun should be provided in order to maintain its health.


Champion's wood ferns should be pruned late in the winter or early in the spring, before the new growth begins. Prune only the dead, damaged, or deteriorated foliage, as well as any fronds that are crossing or rubbing against 1 another. Cut off any frond right at its base, or cut out all of the legs and then cut the stem at its base. Do not prune more than 1-third of the plant.

Hardiness Map

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