Helenium 'Goldlackzwerg' GILDED DWARF
Herbaceous Perennial
Hardiness Zone:
4 - 8
Orange-red rays tipped yellow and brown centers Flowers
Full sun
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
This low-maintenance perennial plant requires little watering, but should still get enough moisture to stay healthy. When planting, be sure to water your Sneeze weed well to ensure the roots get settled. After planting, watering can be reduced to about once a week, aiming for about 1 inch of water each time, especially in dry or hot conditions. Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. It would be a good idea to check the soil with your finger, if the soil is dry a few inches below the surface, it is time to water. You can reduce watering during the colder months if your Sneeze weed is growing in a naturally draining, well-drained soil. However, during extreme drought, you may need to increase watering a bit.
Sneezeweed (Helenium 'Goldlackzwerg' GILDED DWARF) requires full sun for optimum growth and flowering, with 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight a day being optimal. The best times for providing this plant species with sunlight are between 8 AM and 6 PM during the summer months. During the spring and autumn months, the plant needs around 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight, with the suggestion being to ensure the light exposure is focused on the morning and late afternoon hours for best results.
Pruning of Sneeze Weed, (Helenium 'Goldlackzwerg' Gilded Dwarf) can take place in either late winter or early spring once the threat of cold weather has passed. Prune to promote the desired shape of the plant by removing dead, damaged or overgrown branches. Cut the stems back to a leaf bud or slightly below to encourage a natural attractive shape. Do not prune more than 1-third of the plant in a single season since this may cause undue stress on the plant. If needed, divide the plant to encourage more vigorous growth and to control spread, which should be done in the spring. Additionally, it is recommended to remove spent flowers (deadhead) throughout the growing season to promote new blooms and reduce self-seeding.
Hardiness Map
Are Sneezeweed flowers suitable for bouquets?
Sneezeweed flowers are not typically used for bouquets due to their large size and bushy shape. The flowers are usually dried and used in other craft projects or for medicinal purposes. If you wanted to use dried Sneezeweed in your bouquet, they would provide a unique and eye-catching contrast against the other greenery in the bouquet.
Should Sneezeweed be planted in groups or individually?
Sneezeweed should be planted in groups, as groupings of this flower look the best in the garden. Planting them in groups will not only make them look more appealing but will also provide helpful cover for its shallow roots. Additionally, planting them in large groupings can help it to attract pollinators like butterflies and bees, providing a habitat where they can feed off the nectar-filled blooms. For best results, it's suggested to plant groupings of three to five plants for a lush, full look.
Is Sneezeweed resistant to deer damage?
Sneezeweed is a perennial flower with a resiliency to deer damage. It has a hairy leaf texture which deters deer from browsing on it and it produces a strong aroma that most deer tend to stay away from. The stems of the plant are also relatively tough, and not easily broken off. All in all, it is considered to be deer-resistant, but not completely deer-proof. It's important to monitor the plant to make sure it is not being overbrowsed and to take steps to protect it, if necessary.
Could Sneezeweed be grown as a cut flower crop?
Yes, sneezeweed can be grown as a cut flower crop. It is an attractive and abundant flower that has a daisy-like bloom. These flowers come in a variety of colors like yellow, orange, white, and burgundy. They are striking flowers with large, paper-like petals. They can be grown in full sun to partial shade and they prefer moist soil and regular watering. Sneezeweed flowers can be harvested for bouquets and other floral arrangements, and their cheerful blooms can brighten up any home or garden.
Do Sneezeweed plants require staking?
Sneezeweed plants do not typically require staking as they have quite sturdy stems that can easily hold their own weight. Depending on the size of the plant and the growing conditions, it is possible that staking may be needed to keep it upright. However, since the plant stems are so strong and rigid, it is typically not necessary.
Is Sneezeweed a good choice for erosion control?
Yes, Sneezeweed can be a good choice for erosion control. It is a vigorous, economical low maintenance plant with deep roots that make it ideal for quick soil stabilization and improved water quality. Its flat-topped blossoms provide cover for wildlife, making it a popular choice for natural areas. The plant's quick growth and large, thick foliage make it great for reducing erosion on slopes, shores, and other areas where fast-growing, hardy plants are desired.
Are there different varieties of sneezeweed?
Yes, there are different varieties of sneezeweed. Sneezeweed is a flowering plant in the daisy family, also known as Helenium. It produces yellow, red, orange, bronze and purple flowers from July to October. There are numerous species of sneezeweed; some of the most popular types are 'Mardi Gras', 'Autumnale', 'Red Rubin', 'Tahoka Daisy' and 'Kobold'. Each variety of sneezeweed is unique in its coloring, flower size and flowering period.