Hosta 'One Man's Treasure'
Herbaceous Perennial
Hardiness Zone:
3 - 8
Violet Flowers
Part shade,full shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Care Level:
Care for Hosta 'One Man's Treasure' will depend on a variety of factors, including outdoor temperature, amount of sunlight, potting soil and whether they are in containers or planted directly in the ground. In general, Hosta 'One Man's Treasure' should be watered deeply once a week during periods of active growth. Water the whole root area generously so that the top several inches of soil are damp, and let the soil dry out between waterings. This will encourage the roots to reach deeper into the soil to find water. Avoid watering very frequently and do not allow the soil to stay soggy for long periods of time. Too much water can cause the foliage to yellow or rot. Rainfall can often supplement the weekly watering schedule. During periods of extreme heat or drought, Hosta 'One Man's Treasure' may need to be watered more often to ensure its health.
Hostas thrive in partial shade, with several hours of morning or afternoon sun per day. A minimum of 3 to 4 hours of direct sunlight per day is best for Hosta 'One Man's Treasure'. The sun should be indirect, not harsh, so plan on early morning or late afternoon sunlight while avoiding the strongest midday sun. In extreme heat, a few hours of dappled shade during the midday period may be beneficial.
During the growing season, Hosta 'One Man's Treasure' should be given regular maintenance pruning to keep it looking its best. The best time to do this is late spring after the plant has reached its full height, but before flowering begins. Pruning should be done sparingly, removing no more than 1/3 of the foliage. This can include dead or damaged leaves, as well as weak or crowded growth. Pruning will help keep the plant healthy, encourage air circulation, and make it look neat and well-maintained.