Hosta ventricosa
Herbaceous Perennial
Hardiness Zone:
3 - 8
Purple to violet Flowers
Part shade,full shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Hosta typically need to be watered every other day during the growing season, which usually runs from spring through fall. To water them properly, give them enough water to fully saturate the soil, but make sure that you do not overwater them as this can cause root rot. In general, a good rule of thumb is to water them until the soil feels slightly damp and then let the top layer of soil dry out. During the hot summer months, you may need to water them more frequently (every day or every other day) to keep the soil from drying out.
Hosta ventricosa is a shade-loving plant species that needs partial or dappled sun, preferably in the morning. The plant needs a minimum of 4 hours of sunlight each day in order to perform photosynthesis and grow. Direct afternoon sun can be too strong for this species and could be harmful if the plant is exposed to it for long periods of time. If possible, hostas should be planted in a location that receives filtered sunlight from east or north-facing windows for optimal growth. As with all plants, it's best to monitor hosta to ensure it is receiving enough light and adjust as needed with additional sun or shade if necessary.
Hosta plants should be pruned in the late winter or early spring before new growth emerges. Cut off any damaged or dead leaves or flower stems near the base of the plant. Also remove any spindly growth or any shoots emerging from the middle of clumps of plant. This will promote more vigorous growth and better flowering. Pruning too much can stunt a hosta plant's growth, so it is important to prune judiciously and conservatively. Pruning is not usually required for small hosta plants, however, for larger varieties you may trim back the foliage to control its size.