Species lettuce
shiny, green, lobed, ovate-shaped leaves


Lactuca sativa 'Merlot'

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa 'Merlot') is a leafy vegetable filled with crunchy colors. Its dark-red, deeply-lobed leaves are beautifully tinged in shades of burgundy and bright green, making it an attractive choice in any garden. Merlot is an heirloom variety of lettuce, offering gardeners excellent flavor, texture, and extended harvesting. It is fast growing and prefers cooler temperatures, making it a perfect option for spring and fall gardens. It is ideal for salads or sandwiches, and its robust flavor is sure to add life to any dish.






Seed Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

2 - 11


Not showy, Yellow Flowers In Summer


Full sun


Rocky , gravelly , dry


red,purple Fruits In Autumn Ready In Summer





Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Salt Tolerant:



Lettuce should be watered frequently and lightly. It should be watered every day, or every other day, using 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water per plant. Make sure to avoid over-watering, as wet soil can lead to root rot. For lettuce grown outdoors, it is best to water it in the morning so the leaves can dry before nightfall and minimize disease.


Lettuce (Lactuca sativa 'Merlot') grows best in full sunlight, so it needs to be planted in an area that gets 6-8 hours of sunlight every day. It should ideally be placed in a spot that is not too hot, as prolonged exposure to extreme heat can damage this species. Additionally, adequate air circulation is important for the overall health of the lettuce plants.


Pruning lettuce can help promote healthy growth. Pruning should be done when the plant is 6-8 inches high, or when the lettuce has passed the rosette stage. Pruning should include removing any yellow, wilted, or damaged leaves, as well as removing the center leaves to promote new growth. It is best to only prune 1/3 of the plant at a time, so that the plant has enough foliage left to continue photosynthesizing.


Harvest Fruit

The harvesting season for Lactuca sativa 'Merlot' lettuce typically begins in May and runs through August.

Starts Flowering

Lettuce typically starts flowering in June.

Harvest Fruit

The harvesting season for Lactuca sativa 'Merlot' lettuce typically begins in May and runs through August.

Hardiness Map


Should lettuce be harvested early in the morning?

Yes, lettuce should be harvested early in the morning. Harvesting lettuce in the early morning decreases the rate at which the plants lose moisture, resulting in a fresher and crisper head of lettuce. Plus, early morning harvesting helps to avoid the harsh sun of mid-day and the high temperature that can cause lettuce to become wilted or discolored. Therefore, harvesting early in the morning ensures a better quality and longer lasting head of lettuce.

Could lettuce be grown indoors?

Yes, lettuce can be grown indoors. An indoor lettuce garden is a great option for those who have limited outdoor space, are living in a climate that doesn't provide ideal growing conditions, or have inadequate sunlight. Indoor lettuce gardens do best in a sunny spot that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. Since lettuce prefers cool temperatures, you can set up indoor lettuce gardens in unheated rooms or even in a spare refrigerator. Use a soil-less medium such as a hydroponic system or a sterile potting soil to ensure that pests and disease don't harm your indoor garden. You can also use grow lights to supplement natural light. Both a mild fertilizer and regular waterings are necessary to ensure that your lettuce plants remain healthy and grow to their full potential.

Should lettuce be planted in rows or clusters?

Lettuce should be planted in rows. Planting in rows ensures that plants are spaced properly, are free from disease, and are easy to access, allowing the gardener to water, prune, and harvest with ease. Planting in clusters would increase the risk of overcrowding, leading to poor air circulation and an increased risk of disease. Additionally, clustering would make it harder to access individual plants.

Should lettuce be planted in the spring or fall?

It depends on the type of lettuce being grown and the climate of the location in which it is planted. In general, most types of lettuce are best planted in the spring when the soil is sufficiently warm, as lettuce prefers temperatures between 45-80°F. Fall can also be a good time to plant lettuce, particularly in areas with moderate winters. Certain types of lettuce, such as winter lettuce, can even be planted in late summer and survive light frosts.

Should lettuce be grown in a greenhouse or outdoors?

The answer to this question depends on where the lettuce is being grown, what type of lettuce and the climate of the area. Generally, lettuce grows best in cool climates which can be provided by a greenhouse or outdoors. In colder climates, lettuce may be better grown in a greenhouse where temperature and humidity can be controlled more easily. In warmer climates where the temperature can fluctuate more, growing outdoors may be a better option. Ultimately, it is up to the grower to decide which option works best for their situation.

Do lettuce plants require a lot of mulch?

Yes, lettuce plants require a lot of mulch. It helps to keep the soil moist, and the lettuce plants cool, since they are heat sensitive. Mulching also helps to reduce weeds, and keep the soil aerated. It would be a good idea to use a 2-3 inch layer of organic mulch, like shredded bark or leaves, to protect the soil and the lettuce plants.