shasta daisy
Leucanthemum superbum 'Highland White Dream'
Herbaceous Perennial
Hardiness Zone:
4 - 9
White rays and yellow center disk Flowers
Full sun
Growth Rate:
Care Level:
Shasta Daisy should be watered regularly and deeply, once or twice a week depending on the weather conditions. In the warmer months, it should be watered more frequently than during the cooler months. Over watering should be avoided, as this can lead to root rot. During the warmer months or during drought conditions, water the shrub early in the morning and make sure to water the root area and root ball of the plant thoroughly. If irrigation is used, water the plant long enough to reach the root zone 6-7 inches below the soil.
Shasta daisy plants typically require full sun for optimal growth. The ideal amount of sun exposure for this plant species is 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day. In regions where temperatures exceed 95°F (35°C), providing additional shade during the hottest part of the day may be beneficial and help prevent wilting. It is important to note that this plant species requires more direct sunlight than many other plant types.
Shasta daisies (Leucanthemum superbum 'Highland White Dream') should be pruned in late winter to early spring either annually or every 2 to 3 years. Pruning can be done with pruning shears, by cutting off dead or damaged stems back to the base. This will promote larger, healthier blooms. For plants that are mature and already blooming, the old flower heads should also be removed as soon as they are spent. Pruning Shasta daisies at this time will also help to maintain a neat, compact shape.