Nemesia caerulea
Herbaceous Perennial
Hardiness Zone:
9 - 10
Pale blue, pink or white with yellow throat Flowers
Full sun,part shade
Growth Rate:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Nemesia caerulea should be watered regularly and consistently to provide the best growing conditions. It should be watered when the soil is dry to the touch, but not excessively. During the warmer months, water once every 3-4 days. During the cooler months, water the plant only when the top few centimeters of soil has dried out; this could be once every 7-10 days. During periods of heavy rain or humid weather, the plant should be checked more frequently, as it may not need additional water. Water should be applied with a watering can or hose until it begins to run out of the base of the pot; this will ensure the plant is evenly watered.
Nemesia caerulea grows best in full sun, although it can tolerate partial shade. For the best results, plants should receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. It is best to avoid any midday sun and temperatures above 90°F to prevent flower burn or wilting. Morning and afternoon sun will provide healthier, more vibrant blooms. Plants should be placed in a location that receives sunlight until late afternoon.
Nemesia caerulea should be pruned lightly in late winter or early spring at the end of its flowering period. Pruning should involve removing any dead, damaged or diseased stems, as well as any stems that are growing in an unsightly direction. Trim back stems that are growing too long to maintain a neat and compact shape. Pruning can also be used to encourage fuller and bushier growth in Nemesia caerulea. If 1 branch is significantly thicker or larger than others, cut it back to encourage side-shoots to form below the cut. This will result in a more even and fuller shape.