Species coleus
red-pink leaves and stems


Plectranthus 'Redhead'

Coleus (Plectranthus 'Redhead') is an ornamental plant with stunning foliage. It is one of the most popular species of the Coleus genus. Leaf blades have an eye-catching light purple base colour with alternating veins of deep red and yellow. The leaves vary in shape and size, ranging from spoon to heart-shaped blades. This hardy plant enjoys partial sun to bright shade and does best in moist and well-drained soil. Coleus is an incredibly low-maintenance plant, which makes it perfect for beginner gardeners. It can be grown as an annual or in a perennial bed for beautiful, year-round colour.






Stem Propagation,Layering Propagation,Division,Grafting Propagation,Tissue Culture

Hardiness Zone:

10 - 12


Lavender Flowers


full sun,part sun/part shade



Growth Rate:






Care Level:



Coleus plants love having consistently moist soil, so watering about once a week is ideal. When watering, be sure to thoroughly saturate the soil, and allow the water to trickle out of the pot through the drainage hole to avoid any waterlogging. It is also important to let the soil dry out in between waterings. Depending on temperature and humidity levels, coleus that is grown in containers may need to be watered more or less frequently. To check if a coleus needs a drink, stick your finger into the soil up to the second knuckle - if it feels dry, it's time to water.


Coleus plants prefer indirect to bright light. When provided with the right amount of light, coleus plants will thrive and display beautiful foliage color. This plant species should receive 4 to 6 hours of sunlight per day. If it is placed in a sunny window, make sure to provide some shade with curtains or other shading material. Additionally, when moving coleus from lower light to brighter conditions, make sure to do so gradually; sudden, drastic changes in light levels could damage the plant.


Coleus should be pruned at least twice a year: in late spring and mid-summer. Pruning is not especially difficult with coleus, but should be undertaken with care. Large piles of old leaves can be removed at once, just above their point of origin. Light pinching of spindly tips of branches may also be done to promote bushier growth. Prune off any flowers that may form to direct the energy of the plant toward foliage production. Coleus may be cut back hard if needed to control its size or to rejuvenate its appearance.


Starts Flowering

Plectranthus 'Uf0646' REDHEAD typically begins flowering in late spring or early summer, usually between May and July.

Starts Flowering

Plectranthus 'Uf0646' REDHEAD typically begins flowering in late spring or early summer, usually between May and July.

Hardiness Map


Is coleus a suitable plant for indoor gardening?

Coleus is an excellent choice for indoor gardening. It does best in bright, indirect sunlight and needs moderate water and fertilizer. It is an easy to maintain plant with a low-maintenance growth habit and is highly tolerant of changing light conditions. Furthermore, its colorful foliage can liven up any indoor space. It is also an ideal choice if you are looking for a drought-tolerant plant.

Should coleus plants be grown from seeds or cuttings?

Coleus plants can be grown from either seeds or cuttings, depending on the desired results and the availability of materials. Growing from seeds will require more time since it will need to go through the germination process before the plant can be put into soil. Growing from cuttings is a quicker process since all that is needed is to cut a piece of the plant and let it take root in soil. However, if you grow from cuttings you will need a healthy, mature plant to get a cutting from. Cuttings also have the tendency to have a more consistent look and flower development than growing from seeds. Additionally, since they are clones of the parent plant they will be more resistant against diseases.

Is coleus a suitable plant for vertical gardening?

Coleus is a great choice for a vertical garden! Its bright, attractive foliage comes in a variety of colors, making it a great design element in vertical gardens. It is easy to care for and will grow well in most soil conditions. It can also tolerate shade and bright light, meaning it can be placed almost anywhere in your vertical garden. In addition, Coleus can be planted directly into containers or other structures for your vertical garden, making it a great, low-maintenance choice for your unique space.

Is coleus suitable for growing in hanging baskets?

Yes, coleus is an excellent choice for growing in hanging baskets. It is a tropical plant that prefers bright to partial shade and moist soil. Its colorful, variegated leaves are an attraction. It grows quickly and does not require much maintenance. The long trailing stems are ideal for hanging baskets. When growing in hanging baskets, be sure to water regularly and fertilize every 4-6 weeks.

Could coleus plants be grown hydroponically?

Yes, coleus plants can certainly be grown hydroponically. Coleus is a low-maintenance plant that accepts moisture well, making it an ideal choice for hydroponic systems. To grow coleus hydroponically, choose a nutrient solution specifically designed for this type of plant and place the plant in a container with holes for drainage and aeration. Be sure to provide adequate light and monitor the water temperature, pH and nutrient levels to ensure the plant is given proper care.

Is coleus a suitable plant for terrariums?

Coleus is definitely a suitable plant for terrariums, as it is a low-maintenance and hardy plant. Its colorful foliage and broad leaves add visual interest to any terrarium, while its low-light requirements make it perfect for displaying in a glass vessel with limited access to light. It is highly tolerant of indoor temperatures and requires only minimal watering to thrive. It can be propagated easily from pieces of the stem or leaves, making it very easy to care for and maintain. Thus, overall, it is a suitable plant for terrariums.

Is coleus a good choice for edging or bordering gardens?

Coleus is a great choice for edging or bordering gardens. Its attractive foliage and cheerful colors add life to the edges of walkways or planters. Plus, since Coleus is a fast-growing plant, it won’t take long to fill out the area. Coleus is low-maintenance and easy to care for in most climates, as long as it has partial shade and regular watering. Its bright colors and bold foliage make Coleus a great choice for adding a touch of personality to gardens and walkways.

Is coleus a suitable plant for indoor air purification?

Yes, coleus is a suitable plant for indoor air purification. This plant is particularly adept at removing formaldehyde, which is commonly found in a wide range of household products. Coleus is very low-maintenance, requiring only minimal watering and some shade to thrive indoors. It is an easy-to-find and affordable plant that will add a beautiful, vibrant pop of color wherever it is placed. Not only will it help to clean the air of pollutants, but the aesthetic of coleus makes it an attractive addition to any home décor.