Species peace lily
white flower with peach spadix, dark-green leaves and stems

peace lily

Spathiphyllum (group)

Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum (group)) are popular tropical flowering plants well known for their striking white blossoms. They are relatively easy to care for, making them a popular houseplant choice. Peace lilies feature oval-shaped foliage which grows to approximately one foot tall, with the blooms reaching up to double that size. Depending on the species, peace lilies may flower during spring or winter months. They thrive in medium to low levels of light, and require regular watering to keep the soil slightly moist. With proper care, peace lilies create an added touch of beauty and serenity in any living space.


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Stem Propagation,Air Layering Propagation,Leaf Cutting

Hardiness Zone:

11 - 12


White Flowers


part shade,full shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Poisonous To Pets:




Care Level:



Peace Lilies should be watered deeply and thoroughly, about once a week. Water until it begins to flow from the bottom of the pot, then stop. Allow the soil to dry out completely between watering, as too much water can cause root rot. This species is relatively tolerant of drier soil, so be sure to allow the top inch of soil to become dry before watering again.


Peace lilies thrive best with bright, indirect sunlight. Generally, these plants should be placed in a room or area that receives some sunlight, preferably 2 to 4 hours during the morning or afternoon. Placing the plant too close to a window or in too much direct sunlight can cause burning of the leaves. If the plant is not receiving enough sunlight, its leaves may become limp and yellow.


Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum) generally do not require regular pruning, but if it becomes necessary to shape the plant or encourage new growth, it can be done throughout the year. Prune spathes that have already released their flowers to encourage new blooms. In addition, you can prune any old foliage that gets yellow or brown. Cut any of these leaves off near the base of the plant using scissors or small garden shears. Depending on your plants needs, you may want to consider doing light pruning once or twice per year, as this can help promote bushier, healthier plants. Be sure to use clean scissors and shears when pruning, and sterilize them between pruning sessions to avoid spreading any diseases.


Starts Flowering

Peace lilies typically start flowering in late spring or early summer, usually between May and July.

Starts Flowering

Peace lilies typically start flowering in late spring or early summer, usually between May and July.

Hardiness Map


Are peace lily plants toxic to pets?

Yes, peace lily plants are toxic to pets. Both cats and dogs can suffer from vomiting, drooling, and difficulty swallowing if they ingest any part of the peace lily plant. In severe cases, pets may also experience difficulty breathing or an increased heart rate due to the ingestion of the poisonous plant. If you believe your pet has ingested any part of the Peace Lily, it is advisable to contact a vet immediately.

Can peace lily plants bloom indoors?

Yes, Peace Lily plants are well suited to indoor conditions and they do bloom indoors. The Peace Lily plant is easy to care for, and a small Peace Lily in a pot will typically bloom one to two times per year. The Peace Lily flower is white and smells slightly sweet, making it a nice addition to any home. Keep in mind that the Peace Lily requires a lot of humidity, so it may be necessary to mist it occasionally and place near a humidifier.

Should I place my peace lily in direct sunlight?

No, peace lilies don't prefer direct sunlight and should not be placed in it. Ideally, they should be placed in indirect or filtered light, like near a south-facing window. This will provide enough light for the plant while protecting it from the harsh sun, which could cause its leaves to burn and turn yellow.

Is the average lifespan of a peace lily known?

The average lifespan of a peace lily is not definitively known, although generally the flowers can survive for up to 10 years or more. To ensure the longevity of a peace lily, it is important to maintain regular watering and light exposure to keep the plant healthy and prevent it from wilting. Additionally, if the peace lily is regularly pruned and groomed, with dead leaves and old flowers being removed, it can help to extend the life of the flower.

should I water my peace lily plant every day?

No, you should not water your peace lily plant every day. These plants prefer to have their soil on the drier side and are prone to root rot if overwatered. Water your peace lily about once a week, and be sure to monitor the top inch of the soil for dryness before watering. If the top inch of soil is still damp, wait a few days before you water your plant to prevent overwatering.