Air Layering Propagation
An air layering propagation method is a process of growing roots directly from plant branches. Instead of cutting and growing roots you peel off a part of the branch and encourage it to develop roots while it's still attached.
Propagation Steps
Step 1 - Choose a healthy branch from the parent plant to propagate. Make sure it's flexible enough to bend without breaking.
Step 2 - Locate a spot on the branch where you want the new roots to grow. This spot should be about 6-8 inches from the tip of the branch and should not have any leaves or buds.
Step 3 - Using a sharp knife, make a 1-inch diagonal cut on the branch where you want the roots to grow.
Step 4 - Use a toothpick or any metal object to keep the cut open and dust the area with rooting hormone. This helps encourage root growth.
Step 5 - Wrap a moist piece of sphagnum moss or coco peat paste around the cut and cover it with plastic wrap. Secure the plastic wrap with string or rubber bands.
Step 6 - Check the moss regularly and keep it moist. After 4-6 weeks, you should see roots growing through the moss.
Step 7 - Once the roots are about 1-2 inches long, cut the branch off the parent plant just below the rooting area. Plant the newly rooted plant in a pot and keep it in a warm, humid location. Water the plant regularly and give it plenty of light.