toad lily
Tricyrtis formosana 'Gilt Edge'
Herbaceous Perennial
Hardiness Zone:
5 - 8
White with purple spotting Flowers
Part shade,full shade
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Care Level:
Toad lilies (Tricyrtis formosana 'Gilt Edge') prefer to be kept uniformly moist, but not overly wet. Water your toad lilies once every 1-2 weeks throughout the growing season. When watering, use enough water so that the soil is evenly and thoroughly saturated, but do not allow the plant to sit in standing water. This species is native to East Asia and does best in partial sun or partial shade, with some direct morning sun to bring out the bright yellow-gold color of the Gilt Edge leaves. Mix a balanced water-soluble fertilizer into the soil each time you water.
Toad lilies (Tricyrtis formosana 'Gilt Edge') thrive best with full to partial shade, and they won't tolerate direct sunlight. For the best results, place the toad lily in a location that receives at least 4 to 5 hours of sunlight, preferably from the morning until early afternoon. It's also important to keep the soil around the plant well-drained and moist. During hot summer days, try to give toad lilies some additional shading and extra water to keep them vibrant and healthy.
Toad lily (Tricyrtis formosana 'Gilt Edge') should ideally be pruned annually to encourage a dense, bushy habit. Pruning should be conducted during late winter before the plant starts actively growing and flowering in the spring. It is best to prune only the longest stems back several inches to encourage more compact growth. Older plants that haven't been pruned in several years can be pruned back more heavily to encourage larger blooms and vigorous foliage growth. Certain stems can be removed entirely if there’s too much crowding or if the overall size needs to be reduced. New foliage will quickly replace the removed stems. Dead or diseased stems should be removed immediately any time of year.