Species anthurium
A green stalk with green leaves, red flowers, long yellow-white-orange spadix in the center.


Anthurium andraeanum

Anthurium andraeanum is an amazing plant species for many reasons. It has a brightly coloured spathe, which can be orange, white and yellow, as well as long-lasting flowering. It is a long-lived species, and its blooms can remain intact for several months. This attractive plant is also easy to care for and can thrive in indirect light and humid environments. Its flowers bloom regularly and even if the plant is not fertilised, it can still keep thriving. Furthermore, the Anthurium andraeanum is perfect for those looking for a unique, eye-catching houseplant to add to their home. In conclusion, Anthurium andraeanum is a stunning and resilient species with distinctively vibrant flowers.


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Air Layering Propagation,Stem Propagation,Leaf Cutting,Seed Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

11 - 12


Yellow spadix with red spathe Flowers


part sun/part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:






Care Level:



Anthurium andraeanum should be watered roughly every 5 to 7 days, depending on the climate and soil, and should be watered thoroughly. The amount of water needed can be estimated by placing your finger in the soil – if it feels dry 1 centimetre down, it indicates that it could use a good watering. The soil should remain moist at all times, but not soggy. As a general rule, reduce the amount of water if you notice yellowed leaves or drooping stems and increase it if the soil appears too dry.


Anthurium andraeanum requires medium light, partial shade and filtered light exposure to keep its vibrant foliage. It needs bright indirect light to thrive, but should not be in direct sunlight as this can scorch the leaves. Make sure to avoid exposure to afternoon sunlight, as well. It is best to provide your plant with bright, indirect light for 6-8 hours a day.


Pruning anthurium plants should be done sparingly and only when necessary. The plant's growth generally occurs in late spring and early summer, so the best time to prune is during this growth spurt. Prune off any dead leaves, stems, and wilted flowers. Do not prune more than 20-25% of the overall foliage. Pruning should be done only if the plant is looking lanky or if you'd like to shape it. Pruning should be done with clean, sharp scissors and only the dead foliage should be removed. Pruning more than 25% of growth on an anthurium plant can cause it stress, so it should be avoided.


Starts Flowering

Anthurium andraeanum typically starts flowering in late spring or early summer, usually between May and July.

Starts Flowering

Anthurium andraeanum typically starts flowering in late spring or early summer, usually between May and July.

Hardiness Map


Is it challenging to grow anthuriums from seeds?

Yes, it can be challenging to grow anthuriums from seeds. The seeds are very small and recovering them is not an easy task, as they often need to be extracted from existing blooms. Additionally, anthuriums need the proper care and environmental conditions to thrive, and maintaining these can be difficult. As a result, propagating anthuriums from seeds is often much more difficult than propagating them from cuttings.

Are anthuriums easy to propagate?

Anthuriums are relatively easy to propagate, especially as cuttings. All you need to do is select a healthy stem and cut it about 3 cm below the node. The node contains the hormones needed to create roots. Place the cutting in a pot filled with well-draining soil, keep the soil moist and in a warm place, and it should develop roots within a month. There are also other ways to propagate Anthuriums, such as division. This involves splitting large clumps of the plant and replanting evenly.

Should anthuriums be grown indoors or outdoors?

The answer to this question depends on the climate of your area. Generally speaking, anthuriums prefer warm and humid weather, so if you live in a warm climate, then outdoors is usually the best option for growing this plant. If you live in a colder climate, then indoors is usually the best option. An anthurium's ideal temperature range should be between 60 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Planting them in a pot, rather than outdoors in a garden, is preferable as they do not take well to colder temperatures, and they can be moved indoors during cold snaps. Indoors they should be given bright, indirect light, along with consistent moisture, in order to thrive.

Could anthuriums be grown in a terrarium?

Yes, anthuriums can be grown in a terrarium. This is a great way to create a miniature, tropical-inspired environment to showcase the plant’s exotic foliage. They won’t require as much maintenance as a typical houseplant terrarium and they will thrive in a terrarium as long as it is kept relatively moist. When growing anthuriums in a terrarium, it is important to ensure it is not kept too wet, as anthuriums don’t tolerate soggy soil. Furthermore, it is best to position the terrarium close to a window to provide adequate light while still protecting the plant from direct, harsh sunlight. An adjustable LED lamp may also be used. Additionally, when using a potting mix, make sure it is aired and free of debris.

Do anthuriums require high humidity?

Yes, anthuriums require high humidity to thrive. They are tropical plants, native to areas of South and Central America that are full of jungle-like humidity. In order to best replicate this in your home, you can move your anthurium to a humid location like the kitchen or bathroom, or you can increase the humidity of its environment with regular misting or use of a humidifier. Additionally, grouping together several plants can increase the humidity around them.

Is it possible to grow anthuriums in a hydroponic system?

Yes, it is possible to grow anthuriums in a hydroponic system. When grown hydroponically, anthuriums can more easily absorb water, nutrients, and oxygen, allowing for stronger, healthier plants. To properly grow them in a hydroponic system, the roots should be suspended in a solution of a nutrient-rich water, and the temperature should be kept between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, anthuriums should be grown under filtered light and require regular pruning and monitoring. With careful attention and tailored growing techniques, anthuriums can be successfully grown in a hydroponic system.

Could anthuriums be grown as hedge plants?

Yes, anthuriums can be grown as hedge plants. They are full of lush foliage, which makes them aesthetically pleasing. They require little maintenance and rarely need trimming or pruning. They’re also extremely hardy and make for a great low-maintenance option for creating a living barrier around the home. Even better, anthuriums are extremely attractive and come in a range of colors, from white and pink to red and dark green. They can really liven up an outdoor space and add some vibrancy to any garden.

Is it necessary to repot anthuriums annually?

No, it is not necessary to repot anthuriums annually. While it is beneficial from time to time to repot anthuriums in order to give the plant access to fresh potting soil and more space to grow, anthuriums do not need to be repotted every year. An anthurium’s growth rate and root system is slow-growing and thus, can go a couple of years between repotting. If an anthurium's roots are crowded and spongy, then it can indicate that it is too root-bound and should instead be repotted.