Species Amarante Tuberculée

Amarante Tuberculée

Amaranthus tuberculatus var. tuberculatus

Amarante Tuberculée, also known as Rough Pigweed, is a variety of Amaranthus tuberculatus, a short-lived annual plant native to the Americas. It has distinctive jagged and irregularly lobed leaves that grow in an upright manner. It features inconspicuous green flowers, each with five red-purple scales. Over time, tiny, edible tubers will arise from the roots. Able to handle partial or full shade, Amarante Tuberculée is a great plant for providing color and texture to any garden. Plus, it's an easy-care, drought-tolerant species with a high resistance to pest and disease.




Seed Propagation,Cutting,Division,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:





The Amarante Tuberculée should be watered once every 7-14 days, depending on the temperature and humidity levels. In hot weather, it should be watered more frequently. The soil should be thoroughly soaked each time, and allow the top layer to dry out before watering again. The plant should not be allowed to sit in excess water as this can lead to root rot. When transplanting the Amarante Tuberculée, it should be watered deeply. If the soil begins to become dry and crumbly, the plant should be provided with extra water to help it transition to its new home.


Amarante Tuberculée (Amaranthus tuberculatus var. tuberculatus) requires an average of 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day in order to thrive. The best time of day to receive the necessary amount of sun is between 10 AM and 4 PM. However, it is important to ensure the plant receives full coverage and not partial sun during the day, as this could cause it to become stressed or overheated. The amount of sunlight the plant should receive also depends on its location; if located in an area with fewer hours of daylight per day, then more time in the sun may be necessary. It is important to remember to water the plant frequently to allow for proper growth and use shading or a light-reflective material to help protect against too much sunlight. Despite its need for sunlight, Amarante Tuberculée still benefits from a few hours of shade every day, especially during the hottest part of the day in summer.


Amarante Tuberculée (Amaranthus tuberculatus var. tuberculatus) should be pruned once or twice a year, depending on the size of the plant. Pruning can be done in late winter or early spring before the plant begins to produce new growth. Prune back the existing stems to encourage new growth. Remove dead or damaged stems and leaves to maintain health. Additionally, pruning back the Amarante's flowering stalks can significantly improve the yield of flowers. Prune these by 2-thirds of their length in late spring, and then cut them completely to the ground when finished flowering. This will ensure that the plant will produce more flowers in the future. Carefully trim the ends of the stems with a sharp pruning shears or scissors to maintain a neat and tidy look.