Species Three Awn
beige stem with beige-brown hairs

Three Awn

Aristida longespica var. longespica

Also Known As - Slimspike Three Awn Grass
Three Awn is a perennial grass species native to eastern regions of North America. It is recognizable by its deep-green blades with three notched awns and a thin, white midrib. It prefers dry, sandy soils, but will tolerate a wide range of conditions from sandy, rocky, and disturbed soils to shallow, wet soils. Its drought tolerance and strong root system make it an excellent choice for groundcover and erosion prevention. Three Awn is also perfect for attracting wildlife, providing excellent food, cover, and habitat. Despite its aggressive habit, it can be controlled with mowing or herbicide treatments, making it a great choice for commercial and residential landscaping.



Hardiness Zone:









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Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Forked Three Awned Grass should be watered deeply once every 2 weeks when the soil is dry. During periods of extreme heat or drought, water the plant more frequently so that the soil remains damp but not saturated. When watering the plant, water only until the moisture reaches the roots. Avoid sprinklers and overhead watering, which can expose the stems to moisture and encourage fungal diseases. After watering, fertilize the soil with a low-concentration balanced fertilizer twice a year and maintain a pH of 6.5 to 7.5.


Forked Three Awned Grass (Aristida basiramea) prefers between 5-12 hours of sunlight per day. Ideally, it should receive full sun in the morning and between partial to full shade in the afternoon. It typically grows best in regions where there are hot, humid summers and mild winters. It should be planted in a well-drained soil in an area that receives adequate amounts of sunlight for the majority of the day. Additionally, the grass should be watered regularly so that the soil is damp but not soggy.


Forked Three Awned Grass should be pruned regularly to maintain vigor. Pruning should occur in spring and again in mid-summer. In the spring, lightly prune off fading seed heads and remove any dead or damaged foliage. Mid-summer pruning should involve cutting back approximately 1/4 of the foliage to encourage new, vigorous growth. Monitor the plant and remove any unwanted shoots or suckers. Make sure to use sharp pruning shears to avoid damaging the remaining foliage. Pruning should be done when the plant is dry to prevent disease from spreading.

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