Species Douglas' Wormwood
green leaves on brown stems

Douglas' Wormwood

Artemisia douglasiana

Douglas' Wormwood, or Artemisia douglasiana, is an evergreen shrub native to western North America, growing 1-3 feet (30-92 cm) tall. The long, upright stems are lined with gray-green, narrow leaves that are slightly fuzzy. On some species, the leaves may turn purplish-red in the winter. Its small yellow daisy-like flowers appear in summer and have a pleasant herbal scent. In the wild, Douglas' Wormwood is a common sight on dry hillsides or in fields. It is also at home in gardens, with its drought tolerance and low-maintenance nature. When cut for decoration, the plant may release a strong, bitter scent, similar to a camphor.



Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Poisonous To Humans:


Poisonous To Pets:


Salt Tolerant:






Care Level:



Pacific Wormwood should be watered deeply but infrequently throughout the growing season. During the dry summer months, it should be watered every 7-14 days and in the spring/fall months, every 14-21 days. It's important to use approximately 1-2 inches of water for each watering. If the soil in the pot becomes dry, increase the amount of water, but be careful not to overwater the soil, as the roots may rot if there is too much water.


Pacific Wormwood plants enjoy full sun exposure of at least 8 to 10 hours of direct sunlight per day to grow and thrive. During the summer months, Pacific Wormwood should receive sunlight all day long; however, it can still do well in partial shade when the sun is intense. During the winter, Pacific Wormwood require 6 hours of sunlight per day. These plants prefer the sun to be at its highest point in the sky for the maximum amount of sunlight, so aim to position them in outdoor areas of the home that receive direct sunlight in the afternoon, such as southern-facing windows or open patios.


Pacific Wormwood should be pruned at the end of winter or the beginning of spring. Prune the plant back to around 4-6 inches in height. Make sure to remove dead wood, diseased leaves, or weak branches. Prune any canes or crossed branches that crowded the center or sides of the plant. Trim or pinch the stem tips to encourage bushiness. It is important not to over-prune to the point where the plant’s vitality and vigor may be impacted.

⚠️ Perenual and its members cannot be held liable for any health issues that may arise from the information provided on the website or from using any of the plants found on the site. The information provided is intended to be used as general guidelines only.