Species Robbins' Milk Vetch
purple-white flowers with pink-lime buds and light-green foliage

Robbins' Milk Vetch

Astragalus robbinsii var. minor

Also Known As - Blake's Milkvetch
Robbins' Milk Vetch (Astragalus robbinsii var. minor) is an endangered perennial plant native to California. This species often grows up to 8 inches tall and has small clusters of white to pale blue-purple flowers. The flowers produce a unique fragrance that is sweet and mildly pungent. Its foliage is semi-erect and tend to be hairless. It grows in areas of open grasslands, meadows, and vernal pools. Robbins' Milk Vetch is a vital pollinator plant which provides an essential habitat for a variety of insects and birds. It is a critical part of the state's native flora and needs to be protected and restored wherever necessary.




Seed Propagation,Division,Cutting,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Robbins' Milk Vetch requires supplemental watering during the growing season. Water thoroughly, allowing the top 2 inches of soil to become moist but not soggy. Water every 7-10 days, or whenever the soil appears dry. Reduce watering frequency in the winter, allowing the top inch of soil to become dry to the touch between waterings.


Robbins' Milk Vetch requires a minimum of 6-12 hours of direct sunlight per day. It prefers full sun, however, it can tolerate partial shade for short periods. During the spring and summer, it should receive direct sun for the majority of the day. In the fall and winter months, as the temperatures are cooler, it can tolerate lower amounts of direct sunlight.


Robbins' Milk Vetch should be pruned annually during the late winter to early spring. Pruning is necessary to keep the plant healthy and encourage new growth. Pruning should be done lightly, removing no more than 1-third of the total biomass. This includes removing dead or dying stems and branches, as well as any weak or crowded branches. Make sure that no stems are cut flush with the ground as this may lead to disease. Pruning should be done carefully, avoiding potentially damaging the plant. If there are any dead or diseased branches or stems, they should be removed first. Additionally, it is important to promote vertical growth by thinning out the plant’s canopy. This will help the plant to collect more sunlight and oxygen which will contribute to its growth and health.