Species Carey's Balsamroot
yellow flowers with orange-brown filaments and center, green sepals, leaves and light-green stems

Carey's Balsamroot

Balsamorhiza careyana

Carey's Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza careyana) is an herbaceous perennial native to the dry grasslands of the northwestern United States. It is an evergreen with simple grey-green leaves and a vibrant yellow flower, which is why it is also known as 'Yellow Balsamroot'. It grows in clusters of 1-3 stems, reaching heights of 50-90 cm. This plant of the daisy family is quite drought tolerant and is unique in that it does not produce seeds, but produces an underground rhizomatous root system to propagate. Carey's Balsamroot is an important source of food and shelter for wildlife, and an essential component for creating resilient habitat for a wide variety of species.




Seed Propagation,Seed Propagation,Seed Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:



Carey's Balsamroot is a drought-tolerant plant species that prefers well-drained soil. The best time to water Carey's Balsamroot is in the early mornings or evenings when the temperatures are lower and the sun is not as intense. This allows the plant to absorb the water before the sun dries it up. In general, Carey's Balsamroot needs to be watered about once per week. You should check the soil a few inches below the surface before watering, as the plant's root system can be shallow and the top soil can be dry even if the soil is moist a few inches below. If the soil is dry a few inches below, then water the plant until the soil is moist but not saturated.


Carey's Balsamroot is a type of plant native to Idaho and Montana in the United States. The species prefers full sun, ideally receiving 8 or more hours of direct sunlight per day. The optimal starting time is usually around 10 am, and ending time is around 6 pm. The plant should benefit from some early morning or late afternoon partial shade if possible, especially during the hotter months. Temperatures also play a role, and the plant should thrive in warm weather (daytime temperatures approaching 90 degrees F) but should be protected from frosts, particularly in winter. With the right balance of sun and warmth, Carey's Balsamroot can reach heights of 2 to 3 feet with yellow flowers blooming between May and August.


Carey's Balsamroot is best pruned in early to mid spring before new growth appears. It is best to prune away faded blooms and any dead or diseased branches and stems. Any weak, upright stems should be trimmed back to the ground. Also, you can selectively prune certain sections of the plant to encourage branching. This will create a bushier habit and allow more blooms to be produced. Light and timely pruning will help keep your Carey's Balsamroot looking its best for the growing season.