Species Strawberry-Blite
dark-red fruits with pink flowers, green-black buds, green leaves on light-green stems


Blitum capitatum

Strawberry-blite (Blitum capitatum) is a low-growing plant native to Europe, Northwest Africa, and parts of Asia. Growing to a height of just about 6 inches, the plants have small, clasping leaves, giving way to yellowish-green flowers. When mature, the fruits resemble strawberries but, unlike them, are not edible. These and the entire plant have a bitter taste. Overlooked by most gardeners, Strawberry-blite is a unique and interesting looking plant, adding texture and color to any garden.



Hardiness Zone:


Blue|Purple|White/Cream Flowers


Sun, Partial Shade


Clay, Sand, Loam



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Care Level:



Downy Wood Mint should be watered when the soil surface feels dry to the touch. When watering, be sure to soak the soil completely. This plant likes consistently moist soil, so don't let the roots dry out too much in between waterings. It's a good idea to water early in the morning or in the evening, to avoid rapidly evaporating water during the hottest part of the day. Depending on temperature and humidity, Downy Wood Mint will typically need to be watered about once a week. Always check the soil's moisture levels before watering, as over-watering can also be detrimental to this species.


The Downy Wood Mint plant species (Blephilia ciliata) prefers partial to full sunlight exposure for optimal growth and flowering. During the spring and summer months, it should receive approximately 5 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day. In the fall and winter period, 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight is acceptable. The plant should be protected from extreme exposure to direct sunlight during hot summer days, as this can cause sunburn. Generally, plants should also be moved away from the full sun of the afternoon and kept in a shadier location where possible.


Downy Wood Mint (Blephilia ciliata) should be pruned in late fall or early spring. Pruning should remove dead, diseased or damaged branches and stems, as well as any that are broken or crossing each other, to promote healthy growth. If necessary, prune surrounding plants to keep Downy Wood Mint from shading, overcrowding, and using resources from the other plants. Regular light pruning can help reduce the spread of the plant, maintain its desired size and shape, and promote the growth of new, healthy stems and leaves. Prune only lightly to avoid cutting away too much of the foliage, as this could reduce the amount of energy the plant is able to store for the following growing season.

⚠️ Perenual and its members cannot be held liable for any health issues that may arise from the information provided on the website or from using any of the plants found on the site. The information provided is intended to be used as general guidelines only.