Dropseed Rockcress
Boechera pendulocarpa
Also Known As - Holboell's RockcressWatering:
Hardiness Zone:
full sun,part shade
green,brown,black Fruits Ready In Summer
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Little-Leaved Rockcress should be watered lightly but often. During the flowering season, which is in spring, it should be watered approximately every 2-3 days. The rest of the year it should have a deep watering about once per week, making sure to watch for any signs of overwatering. This is especially important during the winter season when the plant is dormant and needs very little water, usually once every 2 or 3 weeks. In hotter climates or during periods of drought, it may need slightly more than this. As always, make sure to monitor the soil moisture of the plant and adjust watering accordingly.
Little-Leaved Rockcress (Boechera microphylla) thrives in medium to bright light most of the day. It prefers to have at least 4 hours of direct sunlight daily and should be kept away from direct afternoon sunlight which is too intense. When temperatures are hot, the plant should be provided with plenty of filtered shade during the hottest parts of the day. It also enjoys cooler temperatures, so shade during the hottest parts of the day is recommended in the summertime.
Little-Leaved Rockcress (Boechera microphylla) is an adapting wildflower species found in desert and dryland regions. Pruning should be done twice a year to maintain the desired shape and size of your plant. Spring pruning should be undertaken in April, when the plant starts regrowing, or after flowering has been completed. Dead wood, weak growth, and any straggly or damaged stems should be carefully removed. Remove no more than 1/3 of the stems to ensure that vital energy is not lost from the plant. In the fall, prune Little-Leaved Rockcress in late September or early October. Again, dead wood, weak growth, and any straggly or damaged stems should be carefully removed. Trim the tips of the stems to maintain the desired shape and size of the plant. To finish pruning, remove any flowers that may have dried and died.