Smooth Rockcress
Borodinia laevigata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) P.J. Alexander & Windham
Also Known As - Smooth BankcressWatering:
Hardiness Zone:
full sun,part shade
green,yellow,brown Fruits Ready In
Growth Rate:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Sicklepod rockcress needs to be watered once a week with 1 to 1.5 inches of water. The soil should be moistened until it is saturated. This should be done during the mornings or evenings in order to avoid evaporative losses from the sun during the day. However, it is important to only water the soil and not the foliage, as the leaves of the plant can be harmed from wet foliage. During periods of extreme heat, Sicklepod Rockcress may need to be watered more frequently, but be sure to check the moisture level of the soil regularly to make sure the plant is not overwatered.
Sicklepod Rockcress (Borodinia canadensis) is best suited to partial to full sun exposure. This plant species prefers at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day, usually during the mid-morning to early afternoon period. Direct sun during the hottest parts of the day can be too intense in some cases, so it's best to provide protection from late afternoon and into the evening hours. In addition, partial shade during the hottest part of the day can help reduce the stress this plant will experience during heat waves.
The best time to prune Sicklepod Rockcress is in late winter or early spring before the plant starts to put on new growth. You should prune out any dead or spindly growth, and about 1/3 of the plant each year, taking care to make your cut just above a leaf node. This will encourage the plant to fill in with new growth for a full, lush appearance. Make sure to clean and sterilize your pruning tools between each cut in order to reduce the risk of introducing disease.